The course specification for AGR8003 shows that assessment is by two (2) case studies and a presentation. The background statement and task specifications to the second case study is provided bellow.
More readings: Machinery Management Using Precision Agriculture Technology
Note: All assessment for AGR8003 is to be submitted via studydesk.
Background Statement and task specification In this case study, you are to assume that you are working for a non-government organisation focused on global agricultural development. Your organisation is currently undertaking a strategic planning activity and you have been tasked by your supervisor to provide a briefing paper on the future challenges that agriculture is facing.
You have been asked to identify the top three challenges and then critically dissect the top challenge so your organisation can position itself to meet this challenge.
Your task is to provide a briefing paper that your organisation can use to inform its strategic planning process. Your briefing paper should at a minimum do the following:
(i) State the purpose of the briefing paper (to be developed from the background statement)
(ii) Provide a brief synopsis of the top three challenges that agriculture is facing
(iii) Rank with justification these three challenges in order of importance
(iv) Critically dissect the most important challenge that you have identify
(v) Identify how your organisation should best position itself to meet this challenge.
Presentation of the briefing paper Your briefing paper should be no more than 4000 words in length (excluding references) and at a minimum it should contain the following sections.
Cover Page Table of contents Statement of Purpose* Sections that:
– Provide a brief synopsis of each of the top three challenges facing agriculture.
– Rank these top three challenges in order of importance and justify this ranking
– Critically dissect the highest ranked challenge.
– Make recommendations so your organisation can best position itself to meet this challenge. References * This can be derived from the background statement and task specification