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Business: Nature’s Closet



Determine performance milestones and design key metrics to measure success.

Develop a service blueprint to map the customer relationship and transaction process and explain the map’s significance.




Job Opportunities

Visit one of your favorite job search engines. You may use the job search engine found in the Career Network or one of many found on the Internet.

  • Search and find three job opportunities that match the occupation titles you chose on the  O*NETwebsite in Unit 7. Write a 250-word short essay comparing and contrasting the job descriptions for each of the three job opportunities you identify.
  • Explain the business knowledge, skills, and abilities for each job opportunity, and discuss the differences and similarities between each of the job opportunities.
  • Identify and explain each of your strengths or weaknesses in relation to the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for each of the job opportunities



Pitching the Strategic Business Plan

The time has come for you to pitch your strategic business plan to the angel investors for funding consideration. To say the least, your virtual team must deliver a stellar strategic business plan presentation submitted as a narrated Microsoft® PowerPoint file attachment to the Discussion Board. Your narrated PowerPoint presentation should meet the following requirements:

  • Introduce the name brand of your virtual business. Explain the name of your business and show your logo and tagline.
  • Tell the story behind your brand name, logo, and tagline.
  • Introduce the virtual team. Explain the organizational design of the virtual business, including an explanation of how roles and responsibilities have been assigned to each virtual team member.
  • Present the 4 P’s of your marketing strategy for your virtual business.
  • Present the operations strategy for your virtual business.
  • Present the finance strategy for your virtual business.
  • In the end, ask for the money. Give a compelling conclusion for your strategic business plan and explain why and how your virtual team will be successful.

The presentation format should follow these guidelines:

  • Your narrated PowerPoint presentation should be no longer than 30 minutes but no shorter than 20 minutes in length.
  • All virtual team members should speak for an equal amount of time in the narrated PowerPoint presentation.
  • The PowerPoint presentation should be professionally designed using a themed template.
  • Use best practices for designing PowerPoint presentation slides, such as using illustrations, diagrams, and images to depict information. Do not write full paragraphs. Use no more than five bullet points on each slide.
  • Each slide in the PowerPoint presentation should contain a transcription of the narrated talking points in the notes section.
  • Each virtual team member should use relevant academic research to explain the technical aspects of the various business topics within the strategic business plan.

One team member from each team will post the strategic business plan pitch to the Discussion Board.

Individual Contributions:

Once your virtual team posts the strategic business plan pitch (see the learning activity) to the Discussion Board, each individual student should do the following:

  • Evaluate and reply to a minimum of two (2) strategic business plans from other virtual teams.
  • Evaluate and provide commentary on the content and delivery of each chosen strategic business plan. Ask questions to help clarify any information as necessary.
  • In your individual evaluation of the two (2) strategic business plans, decide whether your chosen strategic business plans deserve funding.



Vision, Mission, Values, and Branding

To get started early on developing the Unit 10 Assignment that requires you to create a 7-year career plan, execute the following steps:

  • Develop a professional vision statement that will drive your pursuit of the career you desire.
  • Develop a career mission statement that will guide you to achieve your professional vision.
  • Develop a professional statement. Identify a minimum of three keywords that exemplify your values. Explain why these values represent who you are as a professional.
  • Start to develop a personal brand.

Here is some information to help with personal branding:

What do you stand for?  Personal branding is a synopsis in the form of symbol, logo, etc. of what you stand for, what you value, and what skills or abilities you can provide to benefit an employer or others.

Branding is created through a reiteration of a symbol, saying, logo, jingle, etc. that grabs the viewer’s or listener’s interest and is memorable. Corporate example: “GE — We bring good things to light.” This branding tells what they do and what they value by using the word “good.”

By examining what you value, and how you can help or benefit others, you too can create a memorable personal brand. Then you can plan to create a personal webpage for employers to view that is consistent with your brand using your personal logo (choosing your colors and font carefully), or an audiovisual presentation so you can send employers a link.




Discussion Topic:

SCA People

Sometimes, tools used in business often also benefit society as a whole. One clear example of this is emergency equipment or safety-related items.

Lessons learned in business often inform society and help build a better world in the process, helping real people.

One such example, from the information systems and information technology profession of business, helps us within the supply chain and life. It is known as GIS, geographic information systems.

Ensure you complete  Learning Activity 6  before completing this discussion.

Please answer the following:

  1. How can GIS help a business with decision-making related to supply chain?
  2. How has GIS recently been used to help our full society? Share one real-world example you have recently researched online, or experienced via work or life.
  3. You will be using Esri GIS as part of your learning in this course. What are you looking forward to learning or experiencing?


During this course, you will complete a journal each week.

Each week you will work on one aspect that will help you prepare for the course and reflect. This journal will provide an opportunity to capture new ideas from knowledge gained and record your thoughts throughout the course. This will also give you an opportunity to record questions you may wish to research further in preparation for other assigned work. Please remember that copying and pasting your own notes without revising is a form of self-plagiarism. After reading your textbook, you should reflect away from the text and then write fully in your own words, integrating course concepts with your own real-world experiences to demonstrate university-level knowledge.

Use three headers total, one per main prompt below. Do not list the questions; use headers to properly organize your work. A header is a short one-, two-, or three-word statement that summarizes the intent of the paragraph below it, organizing your original narrative.

Write one quality paragraph per header, addressing your reflection, based on the following question prompts:

  1. What was the most interesting thing you learned this week as you explored the course concepts and activities?
  2. What one thing do you plan to research further over the next week? What motivates this decision? How will you structure your further online or Library research to effectively learn what you want to learn and then apply these concepts in academics, life, or business?
  3. What concept do you plan to readily apply at work in the next 2 weeks? If you are not ready, how can you still leverage these concepts via a discussion with a coworker, sharing what you have learned and plan to accomplish? What key results do you foresee with this application at work regarding your own organization’s supply chain?



SCA Organization

Similar to people, there are also teams, and even the full organization as a whole, work together.

However, things do not always go right the first time. Part of a profession is decorum, proper behavior, and etiquette within the workplace. As part of the culture, it is a glue that can keep a group together, even when times are difficult.

Reflecting on such skills, sometimes termed soft skills, is important. The industry has a growing trend of valuing empathy, in addition to mission accomplishment.

Please answer the following:

  1. What human quality do you value most in a coworker?
  2. Think of a time you experienced conflict at work. Without sharing private details, break down the steps you used to resolve the negative situation and return it to a positive situation. Share a short summary with the class.
  3. How do analysts help organizations? Is there ever a downside to their data?


During this course, you will complete a journal each week.

Each week you will work on one aspect that will help you prepare for the course and reflect. This journal will provide an opportunity to capture new ideas from knowledge gained and record your thoughts throughout the course. This will also give you an opportunity to record questions you may wish to research further in preparation for other assigned work. Please remember that copying and pasting your own notes without revising is a form of self-plagiarism. After reading your textbook, you should reflect away from the text and then write fully in your own words, integrating course concepts with your own real-world experiences to demonstrate university-level knowledge.

Use three headers total, one per main prompt below. Do not list the questions; use headers to properly organize your work. A header is a short one-, two-, or three-word statement that summarizes the intent of the paragraph below it, organizing your original narrative.

Write one quality paragraph per header, addressing your reflection, based on the following question prompts:

  1. What was the most interesting thing you learned this week as you explored the course concepts and activities?
  2. What one thing do you plan to research further over the next week? What motivates this decision? How will you structure your further online or Library research to effectively learn what you want to learn and then apply these concepts in academics, life, or business?
  3. What concept do you plan to readily apply at work in the next 2 weeks? If you are not ready, how can you still leverage these concepts via a discussion with a coworker, sharing what you have learned and plan to accomplish? What key results do you foresee with this application at work regarding your own organization’s supply chain?



SCA Organization

This week, your team will be asked to present in the Seminar.

This is very similar to business students presenting at a business conference.

Specifically, this would be similar to participating in a poster session.

Take time to review  Learning Activity 7  before completing this discussion.

Please answer the following:

  1. Take a moment to research a conference (select/find one), business, or academic online. What different levels of presentations did this conference include? Did it include poster sessions?
  2. Why are opportunities, such as poster sessions important for professional development?
  3. How are presentations conducted within your organization? Have you had the opportunity to present at work within your profession?


During this course, you will complete a journal each week.

Each week you will work on one aspect that will help you prepare for the course and reflect. This journal will provide an opportunity to capture new ideas from knowledge gained and record your thoughts throughout the course. This will also give you an opportunity to record questions you may wish to research further in preparation for other assigned work. Please remember that copying and pasting your own notes without revising is a form of self-plagiarism. After reading your textbook, you should reflect away from the text and then write fully in your own words, integrating course concepts with your own real-world experiences to demonstrate university-level knowledge.

Use three headers total, one per main prompt below. Do not list the questions; use headers to properly organize your work. A header is a short one-, two-, or three-word statement that summarizes the intent of the paragraph below it, organizing your original narrative.

Write one quality paragraph per header, addressing your reflection, based on the following question prompts:

  1. What was the most interesting thing you learned this week as you explored the course concepts and activities?
  2. What one thing do you plan to research further over the next week? What motivates this decision? How will you structure your further online or Library research to effectively learn what you want to learn and then apply these concepts in academics, life, or business?
  3. What concept do you plan to readily apply at work in the next 2 weeks? If you are not ready, how can you still leverage these concepts via a discussion with a coworker, sharing what you have learned and plan to accomplish? What key results do you foresee with this application at work regarding your own organization’s supply chain?

Last Updated on July 26, 2023

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