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Blog 3 Health and Medicine

Each week, there will be two prompts requiring your response. Responses may be posted in one blog entry or two, but each response should be clearly titled. While blogging is more relaxed than formal essay writing, it requires a minimum word count (see individual instructions), good grammar and correct spelling. It also requires APA documentation of sources when quoting or citing from a website or using any online source.

In the introduction to Chapter 12: Health and Medicine – What are the Challenges? The author says, “It could be argued that medical science presents an unequal playing field….for health care clearly is a privilege rather than a right.” He further states that “Medicine and health care are also subjects for civic discourse, cultural argument, and political debate. Disputes over medicine—abortion, cloning, drug addiction, and more—are also a part of everyday life.”

Prompt #1. Is health care a privilege or a right? (300 words). Based on the following article Health Care Issues.pdf and your personal experiences, respond to Prompt #1.
• Graphic, photo, hyperlink or other visual (required).
• Cite any sources used or quoted material.

Last Updated on January 4, 2021

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