In a response of two to three sentences, explain how these lines from Beowulf Motifs Hero and Monster poem contribute to Grendel’s characterization as a monster. (20 points)
“Fell and frantic, and forced from their slumbers
Thirty of thanemen; thence he departed
Leaping and laughing, his lair to return to,
With surfeit of slaughter sallying homeward.”
In a response of two to three sentences, explain how these lines contribute to Beowulf’s characterization as a hero. (20 points)
“To all the earlmen after evenlight’s glimmer
‘Neath heaven’s bright hues hath hidden its glory.
This my earls then urged me, the most excellent of them,
Carles very clever, to come and assist thee,
Folk-leader Hrothgar; fully they knew of
The strength of my body.”
Also read: A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Using the characteristics you have noted for Grendel and Beowulf, compare and contrast the characteristics of monsters and heroes. Answer in a paragraph of eight to ten sentences, making sure to include evidence from the poem to support your ideas. (25 points)
Which character is described in these lines? (10 points)
“But on earliest occasion he quickly laid hold of
A soldier asleep”
Beowulf Motifs Hero and Monster Quiz
Which character is described in these lines? (10 points)
“Fearful in spirit, faint-mooded waxed he,
Not off could betake him; death he was pondering”
More resources: Beowulf: Motifs
Which answer best summarizes the events from the poem contained in the following lines? (15 points)
“Nearer he strode then, the stout-hearted warrior
Snatched as he slumbered, seizing with hand-grip,
Forward the foeman foined with his hand;
Caught he quickly the cunning deviser”
Grendel approaches Beowulf and is surprised when Beowulf strikes back.
Beowulf rushes to attack Grendel and injures him with his sword.
Grendel grabs one of Beowulf’s men and Beowulf comes to his rescue.
Beowulf wakes up his men so they can help him fight Grendel.
In a response of two to three sentences, explain how the action described in the following lines helps show Grendel as a monster. (20 points)
“He beheld in the hall the heroes in numbers,
A circle of kinsmen sleeping together,
A throng of thanemen: then his thoughts were exultant,
He minded to sunder, from each of the thanemen
The life from his body”
In a response of two to three sentences, explain how the following lines contribute to Beowulf’s characterization as a hero. (20 points)
“The comer-from-far-land had cleansed then of evil,
Wise and valiant, the war-hall of Hrothgar,
Saved it from violence. He joyed in the night-work,
In repute for prowess; the prince of the Geatmen
For the East-Danish people his boast had accomplished”
Using the actions you have noted for Grendel and Beowulf, discuss how their actions in battle reflect the qualities of heroes and monsters. Answer in a paragraph of eight to ten sentences, making sure to include evidence from the poem to support your ideas. (25 points)
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