Basic English
Career Research Paper
You will write a research paper on your intended career field. Within your paper, you may want to consider addressing the following issues:
* How has your career field grown, expanded, and evolved in the past decade? Are there any noteworthy innovations or discoveries to speak of in the past decade?
* Are there any exciting upcoming innovations in your career field? Is there anything new coming on the horizon? What is the “next big thing”?
* What positions are available for graduates within your career field? What is the average annual salary for these positions?
* What specific concepts, education, information, characteristics, and/or skills are required for your career field?
* What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of entering your career field? Why should someone want—or not want—to pursue this career?
* What does a typical day look like for someone in your career field? What are the typical duties and responsibilities associated with this position?
* What are the most common reasons why a student may not succeed in your career field? Or for that matter, what are the most common reasons why a student may not even complete the degree?
* What are some common misconceptions the general public may have about your career? What are some biases or preconceived notions people in your career must deal with?
* In what ways does your specific career choice compare and/or contrast to other similar, tangentially-related career choices?
* What does the near future hold for your industry? What will your field look like—and how will it operate—in the next 5-10 years?
* In what ways do writing skills relate to your career field? Specifically, how can literacy better ensure long term success in your career field?
This paper must be a minimum of 1,500 – 1,800 words in length. It must be typed in 12-size Times New Roman font, double spaced, and adhere to APA formatting.
You must find 2-3 scholarly articles for this assignment, which you must quote within your paper. These articles must come from a reputable library database, such as ProQuest; an ordinary Google search will not suffice. If at any point you struggle with this assignment, please do not hesitate to meet with me for assistance.