Week 1: Assignment 1 – Working Outline
Assignment 1 – Working Outline
Learning Objectives Covered:
0 Practice and use the first step of the writing process, specifically prewriting methods (brainstorming, outlining, mapping, and tree
writing), to generate ideas for the paper.
Please make sure you review the mediator Week One before beginning your work.
This assignment is designed to help you plan out the essay you will be writing this module. A working outline will help you to better
organize your ideas. You can also look at an outline as a part of the prewriting process.
Prep Work
Choose one of the three topics below for this assignment. It will also be the topic for the paper you build in this course.
0 Topic 1: Is it more important to have soft skills or hard skills? Support your claim with research, including how either soft
skills or hard skills are used in your career. “Please note, you must decided if either soft skills or hard skills are more important
in this paper. Do NOT reuse assignments or material from previous courses.”
0 Topic 2: How do the skills you’re learning in General Education courses apply to your future career? Support your paper
with research (ex. communication, soft skills, importance of time management, etc.)
0 Topic 3: Convince a friend, family member, or coworker to consider earning a college degree. Identify 3-5 reasons why
someone should be a college graduate.
Before you begin this assignment, complete Discussion 1 and the prewriting activities discussed in the live session.
The Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to generate ideas for your research and final paper. Make sure you seriously consider each topic
before starting the assignment. Once you have selected the topic you would like to write on, complete the prewriting process to
answer these questions:
0 State what topic you’ve selected.
0 Why is this a good topic for me to write about? (Do you have personal experience? What is your interest? Do you want to learn
more about this topic?)
0 Who is the audience of the paper?
o What am I trying to persuade the audience of?
0 Will this topic be an easy one to research? Do you have any sources in mind that can help you with this paper? You do not
need to a search on your topic right now. Simply think of any sources you know of that you could use in your paper.
0 Generate an outline for your final paper. If you do not have a full outline, that is fine, but you should have a general idea of how
the paper will be organized. Click hereto see a template for an outline.
This assignment should be around 300-400 words, and include all two parts (Reflection and Outline). Please look at the Good
Examples below to see how the finished assignment will look.
The Writing Center
A part of this assignment is to make an appointment or submit your paper to The Writing Center. Do not wait until Friday or Saturday
to make an appointment or submit your paper.
0 The Writing Center: 1https:Ilonline-shc.comlarclwscfi {httpzlloniine-shccomltwg) You can make a live one-on-one
appointment or submit your paper through the online system (https:IIonline-shc.comlarclwscl (https:llonline~shc.com
Iarclwscg ). “Appointments must be scheduled through the system. Please note, if you do not submit your paper by Thursday,
9am, there is a chance you will not receive feedback in time for this assignment.
0 What to submit:
0 Live Appointments: Once you have completed your live session, please take a screen shot of your previous appointment
history, and submit it with your assignment.
0 Online Submission: Once you have received your feedback, please download a copy of it and submit it with your
assignment. “Please note, the system will not email you when your paper has been returned, so you will want to check
back within 24-48 hours from the time you submitted your paper.”
Assngnment Examples
For each assignment in this course, you will be provided with two example papers on two different topics. Please note, these
example papers are written on different topics than the three you will choose from.
Good Examples
These are examples of a well done Week 1 assignment. Notice how each of these examples address the bulleted list above.
0 Review this good example on time management £1 £2.
0 Review this good example on the importance of formal writing 53 52.
Poor Examples
These are examples of a poorly done Week 1 assignment. Notice how each of these examples fails to address the bulleted list
above, and has other errors.
0 Review this poor example on time management [$3 152.
0 Review this poor example on the importance of formal writing @ 5? (you’ll actually notice, the “student” choose to write on
a different topic completely. Whoopsl).
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