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Article analysis- Method/Pedagogy

Any article that has to do with pedagogy in any area on Elementary education.

Over the course of the semester you will be asked to research academic articles on topics related to this course and write an analysis on them. The idea behind this assignment is that the academic articles you read and report about will help you become a better teacher. The articles that you review should provide you opportunity to learn new practices for the classroom.
Each article, due at various times throughout the semester, will be turned in for review and worth 25 points. A copy of the written article must be submitted with our written analysis.
When submitting your written work. Please ensure that your writing is at an academic level (format, vocabulary, syntax). Turning in work that is poorly written and not at the level of a college student will receive significant point reductions. Your paper should range anywhere from 2 ½ to 3 pages in length.
The format you will follow for your written analysis is as follows:
Title of Article:
Summary of the text:
• In this part of your paper give a brief overview of what the article was about.
Analysis of the text:
• In this part of the paper, tell the reader what you learned from the article.
o What will you take from it to the classroom?
o What are the implications of the paper for you as a teacher?
APA Citation:

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Last Updated on April 25, 2020

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