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Applied Analytics in Organizational Context

Assignment 5: Portfolio Case Study Exercise: Genentech


Genentech, the biotechnology company, was acquired by Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche in 2009. The combined company must achieve the promises made to investors at the time of the merger. One of the key tasks for Genentech CEO Ian Clark and CFO Ashraf Hanna was to implement a new portfolio management process for the combined entity. This case explores the goals of the portfolio management process, and allows students to develop scenarios to optimize the Genentech portfolio.

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After reviewing the case study, please answer the following questions:

  1. What were the strategic drivers of the portfolio prioritization effort? (5 points)
  2. What were the objectives of the prioritization process? (5 points)
  3. What were the principles of the process? (5 points)
  4. What was the gap between the budget available and the resources that were requested in the brand plans? What were the major challenges beyond the budget gap? (5 points)
  5. What were the decision criteria? (5 points)
  6. What is the largest franchise for Genentech as measured by Gross Profit? Is this a growth franchise for Genentech? Why or why not? What is the 6 year CAGR of revenue? (10 points)
  7. What franchise(s) represent the greatest growth opportunity for Genentech, by how much did revenue increase from 2014 to 2020 (forecast) and what is the CAGR? (10 points)
  8. Is the growth in these franchise(s) assured? If not, what is the expected growth? What is the total downside revenue risk? What’s the potential opportunity cost of not investing? (10 points)
  9. How would you balance investments across the 4 franchises? Explain your rationale. (10 points)
  10. If you were asked to balance the $3B budget across the $3.4B of requests, what additional information would you need? What would you use as the most important decision criterion for balancing the product portfolio? (10 points)

Applied Analytics in Organizational Context_Assignment 5: Portfolio Case Study Exercise: Genentech

Last Updated on November 13, 2019

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