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Activity 15: Marketing Ethics

Activity 15: Marketing Ethics

Instructions: In class, we discussed how ethics are socially constructed. What is “right” and “wrong” to one person may not be to another.  We have also examined several marketing appeals advertisers use to persuade consumers to purchase their products.  For this activity, you will need to consult units7 and 13.


First, take a look at this advertisement:


Based on the video that you just watched please answer the following questions:

  • What emotional appeal was used in this video?


  • Was it ethical/unethical?


  • Why or why not?


Next, take a look at this video:


In that video, there were several “tricks” marketers use to make their products look more appealing.  Based on what you saw, please answer the following questions:

  • Because ice cream often melts when stylists take pictures of it, they use mashed potatoes instead of ice cream for their photoshoots. Is this ethical/unethical?


  • Why or why not?


  • What you see in the advertisements is not what you necessarily get when you go out to eat at a restaurant. Is it ethical/unethical for advertisers to try to sell their “best product” to customers, knowing the product might not look exactly like what was in their pictures?


  • Why or why not?



Finally, please refer to this final video:


Of the 10 misleading marketing tactics mentioned in this video, choose one, and answer the following questions for it.

  • As a viewer of this advertisement, what ethical obligations apply to you when you come across such a message?


  • As a viewer of this advertisement, what ethical obstacles might make it difficult to abide to such obligations?


  • Do advertisers’ intents change whether their messages are ethical or unethical? If so, how?  Please explain using examples from your above answers.



This activity must be submitted to eCampus as either a text submission or an attached file no later than 11:59pm.

Last Updated on April 25, 2019

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