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Acid Rain in Coral Reefs

Write a research paper outline on Acid Rain in Coral Reefs.

  • Include your group topic in the header _ (Pollution)
  • Include the title of your paper (an informative title regarding your topic)
  • 2.5 pages (double-spaced)
  • Present an overview of your entire paper from intro to conclusion
  • Paper outline format:
    • Introduction/Background – include 1-3 supporting background details as well as the overall thesis of your paper
      • Background Info (with supporting citations)
      • Background Info (with supporting citations)
      • Thesis statement:
    • Subtopic 1 (i.e., the focus of an area of research)
      • Evidence (with supporting citations)
      • Evidence (with supporting citations)
      • Must have at least 2 pieces of evidence
    • Subtopic 2
      • Evidence (with supporting citations)
      • Evidence (with supporting citations)
      • Must have at least 2 pieces of evidence
    • Subtopic 3 (you should have at least 3 subtopics, but can include more)
      • Evidence (with supporting citations)
      • Evidence (with supporting citations)
      • Must have at least 2 pieces of evidence
    • Discussion/Conclusions/Future Directions
      • Include main ideas here and discuss why your topic is important
  • An outline format with bullet points for each section is strongly recommended, however if you prefer, you may write out paragraphs for each section


  • As a general rule: under each topic in your outline you will need at least two pieces of evidence with in-text citations (Author(s) year).


  • Please include your list of full references at the end of the assignment (this may change as you continue to write). You do not need to provide a blurb for each reference like you did in the “5 References” assignment.


Last Updated on March 14, 2019

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