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A Comparative Study between Listing Requirements in the GCC, Europe and the US

I. Chapter 1: Introduction
A. Problem Statement (1 Page)
1. Purpose
2. Structure and Scope of this study
B. Reasons for Going Public and Listing on a Stock Exchange (1 page)

C. General Overview of an IPO Process (1 page)

D. Distinction between Regulated Market Segments – Prime vs. Regular (1/2 page)

E. Distinction between Public Offering and Private Placement (1/2 page)

F. Overview of Listing Requirements (1-2 pages)


II. Chapter 2: Comparative Law Benchmark of Listing Requirements in the GCC, Europe and the US
A. Comparison of Capital Market Law and Regulations in the US, Europe and the GCC (15pages)
(1) Descriptionand (2) a Comparison of Capital Market Law and Regulations between the US, the EU and the GCC (Saudi, Qatar and UAE only))

B. Comparison of Listing Rules by Capital Market Authorities in the US, Europe and the GCC (15pages)
(1) Description and (2) a Comparison of Listing Rules by Capital Market Authorities in the GCC (Saudi, Qatar and UAE only), the EU and the US)

C. Comparison of Listing Rules by Stock Exchanges in the GCC, Europe and the US (20pages)
(1) a description and (2) a Comparison of Listing Rules by Stock Exchanges in the GCC (Saudi (Tadawul), Qatar (QSE) and UAE only (NASDAQ Dubai), the EU (Frankfurt, Euronext) and the US (NYSE, NASDAQ)

III. Chapter 3: Summary, Recommendations, Limitations and Areas for Further Study
1. Summary
2. Recommendations
3. Limitations
4. Areas for Further Study


Last Updated on March 26, 2020

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