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A career focused problem

A career focused problem that’s impacting the professionals in the field. what has been attempted to solve the problem, who the problem is impacting and a solution to the problem.

Annotated Bibliography must contain title page and a thesis statement at least 7 pages ( not including title page) Bibliography must contain:

2 Background sources- Background Research.

This research is conducted solely for the enhancement of your knowledge and understanding of the problem and/or the problem’s impact. The sources found using this method are informational in nature (and usually not argumentative) and are meant to help you gain different perspectives of the problem from a historical point of view. You will use the sources found with this method to help give your reader a better understanding of the problem, too, so it is best if you look for sources that are informative and objective. Plan to include at least two (2) sources that fall under this method on your Annotated Bibliography.


2 Quantitative sources – Quantitative Research.

This research is based on numeric figures and measurements. The sources found using this method are informational in nature, but typically they also will contain some argumentative components, as authors often use these measurements to argue a point. You will use the sources found with this method to help give your reader the empirical evidence needed to understand that the problem you have identified is, indeed, a problem and has such a significant impact on the profession that it must be addressed or, at the very least, is deserving of attention. Look for sources that utilize research studies as their primary evidence. These sources will be informative but also very subjective. Plan to include at least two (2) sources that fall under this method on your Annotated Bibliography.

1 Qualitative source- Qualitative Research

This research is also referred to as “field research,” because it takes place “in the field” and is conducted by the researcher him/herself. This type of research can take many forms, but I want you to conduct a personal interview for your “field research.

3 Problem-Solving sources – Problem-Solving

This research is very specific in its scope, so I recommend attempting to conduct it last. This is the research that will help you propose a solution to the problem and offer concrete evidence to support its validity. It is important to note that you are not looking for sources that identify a solution already proposed. Instead, you want to be creative with your proposed solution, so you will use these sources to gain new ideas of what might work.
for a total of at least 8 total sources

Last Updated on June 8, 2021

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