Week 2 Project Assignment: Working With Data
Data Analysis
This Assignment made use of the data set created in Week 1 that you posted to the Discussion Board.
Note: Before proceeding, please be sure to make any changes/updates that were suggested by your Instructor in your Week 1 feedback.
Graphical Displays of Data
Copy and paste (here) the three (3) graphs you made in Excel using the following instructions for each:
Qualitative Graph
- Create an appropriate graphical display, using the column labeled “Smoker” (not sorted by smoking status), to clearly show the breakdown of smokers and nonsmokers in your data set.
- Copy and paste your graph from Excel here.
- Write a 1-sentence caption for your graph clearly indicating what it displays.
- Create a histogram for the column labeled “BMI” (not broken down by smoking status).
- Use a bin width of 2. Start the bins at your minimum data point, as appropriate for your data set.
- Write a 1-sentence caption for your graph clearly indicating what it displays.
Modified Box Plot
- Create two modified box plots for BMI, one for “Smokers” and one for “Nonsmokers.”
- Write a 1-sentence caption for your graph clearly indicating what it displays.
Descriptive Statistics
Creating Statistics
Replace this text with your Excel output, which was created using the following instructions:
- Use the data analysis tool pack to create two (2) tables of descriptive statistics, one for “Smokers” and one for “Nonsmokers,” using the columns created during week 1 discussion.
- Copy and paste those statistics here.
Replace this text with the answers to the following questions:
Use these statistics to answer the following questions, comparing smokers to nonsmokers. Be sure to provide values from your Excel output to support your reasoning.
- Which group has an BMI that is typically higher?
- Which group has greater variation in their BMI?
- Do you suspect any outliers are present in the BMI for each group? Be sure to justify your reasoning.
Using Statistics
Replace this text with your response to the following:
- Do you suspect that smoking is related to BMI status? Write a 2-sentence explanation including at least one summary statistic to validate your reasoning.
- Would you want to make broad conclusions about smoking and BMI based on this sample data? Explain why or why not.
- Create the following graphs in Excel:
1.1 Using the column labeled “Smoker” (not “BMI Sorted by Smoking Status”), create an appropriate graphical display to clearly show the breakdown of smokers and nonsmokers in your data set. Write a 1-sentence caption for your graph clearly indicating what it displays.
1.2 Create a histogram for the column labeled “BMI” (not broken down by smoking status). Use a bin width of 2 units. Start the bins at your minimum data point, as appropriate for your data set. Write a 1-sentence caption for your graph that clearly indicates what it displays.
1.3 Create two modified box plots for BMI, one for “Smokers” and one for “Non-smokers.” Write a 1-sentence caption for your graph clearly indicating what it displays.
- Descriptive Statistics
2.1 Use the data analysis tool pack to create two (2) tables of descriptive statistics—one for “Smokers” and one for “Nonsmokers”—using the columns created by you in Week 1.
2.2 Use these statistics to answer the following questions, comparing smokers to nonsmokers. Be sure to provide values from your Excel output to support your reasoning.
- Which group has an BMI that is typically higher?
- Which group has greater variation in their BMI?
- Do you suspect any outliers are present in the BMI for each group? Be sure to justify your reasoning.
- Respond to the following questions:
3.1 Do you suspect that smoking is related to BMI status? Write a 2-sentence explanation. Include at least one (1) summary statistic to validate your reasoning.
3.2 Would you want to make broad conclusions about smoking and BMI based on this sample data? Explain why or why not.