Wildcat’s Safety Program


A good friend, Joe Daniels, has contacted your safety consulting firm and asked for your recommendations. He has started his own welding business – Wildcat Welding & Manufacturing. He found a shop that was previously a welding / small tool manufacturing shop. The owner was ready to retire, and sold your friend his whole operation.

The equipment included less than 2-year old Lincoln welding machines, cylinders, exhaust systems, welding safety gear, welding blankets, cables, grinders, and other essentials for welding. He also is purchasing a CNC lathe, milling machine, drill press, saw, sander, beveler, and a deburring and polishing machine.

He is going to store the manufacturing equipment until he is ready to start manufacturing small tools. The floor plan of the shop is open with the only walled off room(s) being the office, the break room, and the bathrooms which run along one end of the building, and there are no confined spaces in the workshop. There are multiple power sources throughout the shop, conveniently located not only on the walls, but from drops in the ceiling.

The previous owner had also wanted to install a gas manifold system in the shop, but never finished. There are drops to each area where welding machines will be installed for acetylene, oxygen, argon, CO2, water, and compressed air. Joe plans to move all of the equipment out to have the floor cleaned and will have a good sum of money from his business loan to make any recommended upgrades and improvements you see necessary.

Wildcat Welding & Manufacturing builds tanks, skids, and does other custom work.Create a simple outline of basic potential hazards and the safety program(s) that would need to be written for Wildcat Welding & Manufacturing in a Word Document and upload to Blackboard. Don’t try to get to deep into the weeds. Start with the basics …. this would be a good resource – OSHA Safety and Health Topics / Welding, Cutting, and Brazing.Here is example of what I expect to see …Wildcat Welding & Manufacturing

“Safety Program”
“Safety Program”
“Safety Program”


Wildcat Welders have a contract to build diesel tanks. Welders will install baffles in the tanks. Here is an example of a welder adding a baffle into a 15,000 gal diesel tank.Watch VideoWelding baffles in a 15,000gal diesel tank.Duration: 2:53
User: n/a – Added: 12/25/14

For this assignment, identify the task steps, the hazards for each step, and the control measures (both preventative and mitigative in the order of the Hierarchy of Controls). Utilize the attached Job Safety Analysis Worksheet.xls . This JSA will be added to your safety program, to help your workers recognize the hazards with each task step while installing the baffles in the tanks they are building.Keep in mind –

Each task step could have multiple hazards, and each hazard could have multiple controls especially if you are not able to eliminate the hazard. Make sure you cover each task step individually. Make sure you cover each hazard individually. NEVER ASSUME because you put a control into place for one step, that someone will carry it over into the next step. Inspect what you expect, and control what you want controlled.
This video starts after the baffle has been tack welded into place – try to take it back a few steps prior to where the video starts.



Last Updated on September 3, 2019

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