Web Page

Assignment: Web Page

100 points

You will design a web page that explores the different levels of loyalty and betrayal throughout the story. The design of your web page is up to you. If you do not know how to construct a web page, a quick search will return thousands of sites explaining different ways to go about making a page.

There are also many programs available that make creating a web page as easy as double-clicking. You do not have to publish or post your web page on the internet. Simply attaching the files to an email sent to your teacher will suffice.

Your presentation should be 4 pages:

Title Slide / Introduction (25 points)

This 25 points is for the presentation, overall design and layout, and grammar throughout your webpage. Remember, you do not have to publish or upload your page, but you should be able to include links that would work if the pages were uploaded.

Loyalty – 2 examples with support (25 points)

10 points for the exploration of the theme. 5 points each for identifying and explaining different levels of loyalty and betrayal. 5 points for each example from the text. Earlier in this unit you learned about sentence variety by using compound and complex sentences. For 5 points, use a compound or complex sentence on the slide.

Betrayal – 2 examples with support (25 points)

10 points for the exploration of the theme. 5 points each for identifying and explaining different levels of loyalty and betrayal. 5 points for each example from the text. Earlier in this unit you learned about sentence variety by using compound and complex sentences. For 5 points, use a compound or complex sentence on the slide.

Cultural Context with evidence of research (25 points)

10 points for the exploration of the topic chosen for the cultural context. On this page you will have your choice of topics. You can investigate any of the following:

the Taliban
the Soviet-Afghan War
Kite Running
Hazara vs. Pashtun

15 points for the explanation of how this topic allows for a greater understanding of the novel.
Submit your completed assignment to the Web Page Assignment link for grading.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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