The Dutch authorities invite the wider community to contribute to achieving their target for waste reduction and sustainable resource use. You are asked to make a proposal for a community initiative which will help Amstelveen to meet its target:
Amstelveen wants to halve the current share of residual waste per inhabitant in five years to a maximum of 100 kg (which is now around 200 kg). In addition, at least 75% of the waste must be offered sorted by residents (currently 54%).
You should describe and justify an approach which you think would support Amstelveen authorities in achieving their waste management targets. (500 words). The example below might give you some inspiration. Be creative! (Criterion A and D)
Grade 9 Summative Assessment 3:
LOCAL ISSUE: What are we doing with our rubbish? 2017/2018
Statement of Inquiry:When population patterns change, there are causes and consequences of this upon the future of our global resources and their sustainability.
Group brainstorm
List all the different types of waste that a community can produce as a spider diagram.
How can different types of waste be classified?
Waste is one of the key components of the ecological footprint and is an issue in Amstelveen and more widely in the Netherlands.
A strategy for the Netherlands
Priorities for managing waste in a sustainable manner are reflected in the ‘Lansink Ladder’. This ladder includes prevention, reuse, recycling, incineration and landfilling of waste from top to bottom. The higher the method is on the ladder, the more preferable to the methods below.
The ladder clearly indicates that avoiding waste or ‘waste prevention’ is the most environmentally friendly choice. When avoiding is not possible, you should choose products that you can re-use, such as glass bottles. If there are no reusable products available, you should search for recyclable alternatives.
The waste that cannot be avoided, reused or recycled is incinerated to recover as much energy as possible. And it is only when the waste can not be incinerated in an environmentally-friendly way, that the method on the very lowest stage: the dumping of waste is used.
1. Make a copy of the ladder for your notes, add labels to explain each step on the ladder.
2. Brainstorm ways in which waste can be prevented.
Amstelveen and sustainable waste management – Amstelveen changes from waste to raw material collection
The Raw Materials Plan 2017 – 2021 assumes a positive incentive for more waste separation by offering a higher service on the plastic, metal and drinking containers (PMD) and vegetable, fruit and garden waste (GFT) raw materials collection, so that you have less residual waste. The residual waste that you are left with after sorting will be taken to underground containers. These measures are expected to achieve a waste separation percentage of 75% in 2021 and reduce the amount of residual waste to 100 kg per inhabitant in accordance with the national target. For comparison, in 2016 the result was 54% waste separation and 200 kg residual waste.
Look at the information below from the Gemeente newsletter:
Answer the following questions:
1. What is residual waste? What will happen to residual waste in the future?
2. Summarise the Raw Materials Plan for 2017 to 2021?
3. What are the goals of the plan?
4. How does it link to the Lansink Ladder?
5. Why should Amstelveen residents separate their rubbish?
6. How do you think Amstelveen residents will respond to this plan?
7. What are the benefits of this plan?
What is in your rubbish and what are you doing with it?
Research Question: To what extent does your household support the Gemeente of Amstelveen in achieving their waste separation targets?
Investigation task
Your task is to find out what you typically throw away in your household rubbish over a three day period. Conduct a survey to list the different things in your household rubbish.
Estimate the proportion of your household’s rubbish that fits into given categories and estimate the proportion of your household waste that is separated and recycled.
As you plan how you will undertake your survey consider the following questions:
● How are you going to record your results? Would a pre-prepared table help?
● When are you going to sort through the rubbish? How can you make sure it is not thrown away before you have surveyed it?
● How can you make sure that the process of sorting through it is hygienic and safe?
● Who do you need to explain your survey to so that they can support your task (parents, siblings,the cleaner)
● How are you going to estimate proportion? You will have to calculate totals first. Will you do this by volume, weight, number of items or size. Be realistic. Some estimation will be needed.
You will be summarizing and presenting visually the results of your survey. You will then respond to the research question and evaluate your investigation. You should use the following waste types when classifying your waste:
VFG waste
PMD waste
Small toxic
Paper and cardboard
Residual waste
Additional guidance on how to classify your waste can be found here. You should also specify whether the waste was separated and recycled or whether it was included in your residual waste (eg the general waste which is incinerated).
Part 2 – What should we do with our rubbish?
The Dutch authorities invite the wider community to contribute to achieving their target for waste reduction and sustainable resource use. You are asked to make a proposal for a community initiative which will help Amstelveen to meet its target:
● Amstelveen wants to halve the current share of residual waste per inhabitant in five years to a maximum of 100 kg (which is now around 200 kg). In addition, at least 75% of the waste must be offered sorted by residents (currently 54%).
You should describe and justify an approach which you think would support Amstelveen authorities in achieving their waste management targets. (500 words). The example below might give you some inspiration. Be creative! (Criterion A and D)
Task: Investigative Report on Household Rubbish in Amstelveen.
Research question: Research Question: To what extent does your household support the Gemeente of Amstelveen in achieving their waste separation targets?
● Amstelveen wants to halve the current share of residual waste per inhabitant in five years to a maximum of 100 kg (which is now around 200 kg). In addition, at least 75% of the waste must be offered sorted by residents (currently 54%).
The task instructions:
Part 1 (Criterion B and C)
● Plan your survey. Use the guidance questions above.
● Undertake your investigation at your home over a 3 day period, collect and record your data. Include raw data in an appendix.
● Write a report to:
o Identify and justify accurate methods of data collection and recording
o summarize your survey (words and graphs)
o effectively address your research question
o evaluate the investigation (750 words)
Part 2 (Criterion A and D)
1. Submit a proposal for an innovative approach to waste management (500 words), describing and justifying which approach(es) you think the Amstelveen civic authorities should adopt.
Criterion A Knowing and Understanding
Level descriptor
0 ◻ The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
1-2 ◻ demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of content and concepts with minimal descriptions and/or examples.
3-4 ◻ demonstrates adequate knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through satisfactory descriptions, explanations or examples
5-6 ◻ demonstrates substantial knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through accurate descriptions, explanations and examples.
7-8 ◻ demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through thorough, accurate descriptions, explanations and examples.
Task specific notes
Criterion B Investigating
Level descriptor
0 ◻ The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
1-2 ◻collects and records limited information, not always consistent with the research question.
◻ makes a limited evaluation of the process and results of the investigation.
3-4 ◻ uses a research method(s) to collect and record mostly relevant information,
◻evaluates some aspects of the process and results of the investigation.
5-6 ◻uses research method(s) to collect and record appropriate relevant information,
◻evaluates the process and results of the investigation.
7-8 ◻uses research methods to collect and record appropriate, varied and relevant information,
◻ thoroughly evaluates the investigation process and results.
Task specific notes
Criterion C Communicating
Level descriptor
0 ◻The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
1-2 ◻communicates information and ideas in a limited way, using a style that is limited in its appropriateness to the audience and purpose,
◻ structures information and ideas according to the specified format in a limited way,
3-4 ◻communicates information and ideas satisfactorily by using a style that is somewhat appropriate to the audience and purpose,
◻structures information and ideas in a way that is somewhat appropriate to the specified format,
5-6 ◻communicates information and ideas accurately by using a style that is mostly appropriate to the audience and purpose,
◻structures information and ideas in a way that is mostly appropriate to the specified format,
7-8 ◻communicates information and ideas effectively and accurately by using a style that is completely appropriate to the audience and purpose,
◻structures information and ideas in a way that is completely appropriate to the specified format,
Task specific notes
Criterion D Thinking Critically
Level descriptor
0 ◻ The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
1-2 ◻summarizes information to a limited extent to make arguments.
3-4 ◻Summarises information to make arguments.
5-6 ◻Synthesizes information to make valid arguments.
7-8 ◻Synthesizes information to make valid, well-supported arguments.
Task specific notes