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Using Bloom?s Taxonomy to Create Discussion Questions

Using Bloom?s Taxonomy to Create Discussion Questions

Subject: Education

Assignment: Using Bloom?s Taxonomy to Create Discussion Questions (200 points)

Task: Write questions for teaching a lesson by using what you know about Bloom’s Taxonomy. Write a total of 60 questions. There should be 10 questions for each category (remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating) aimed at two distinct grade levels. In other words, write 5 questions for elementary level and 5 questions for secondary level within each of the Bloom’s categories. You may use more than one lesson plan idea. Use any of the lesson plan ideas below or create your own to sue as a basis for your questions.

Learning outcomes:

1. Students are familiar with Bloom?s six categories of thinking skills.

2. Students are adept at creating discussion questions for each of the six categories of thinking skills.

3. Students understand the instructional strategy of using discussion questions developed by using Bloom?s taxonomy to encourage higher thinking skills in their students. Note, as you write questions use only verbs from the new Bloom’s version.


? Forehand, M. (2005). Bloom’s taxonomy: Original and revised. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from

?Verbs from Blooms? taxonomy new version old version. (n.d.) Retrieved from

?Bloom’s & iPad apps:

?Bloom’s Taxonomy Wheel:

?A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives:

?Kathy Schrock’s Bloomin’ Apps:

Lesson Plan Ideas

1. Teaching the Differences between Fiction and Non-Fiction (Elementary). Objectives:

? Students will identify the elements of fiction as applied to a picture book.

? Students will identify the elements of nonfiction books.

? Students will identify the author?s purpose in expository text.

2. Teaching Ready Reference Tools (Elementary or Secondary).


? Students will differentiate between the use of dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, atlases, newspapers and periodicals.

3. Teaching the Parts of a Book (Elementary or Secondary).


? Identify the parts of a book, including title page, copyright date, publisher, index, author, illustrator, cover, place of publication, spine, table of contents, glossary.

? Recognize and provide examples of plagiarism, fair use, and paraphrasing.

? Use appropriate paraphrasing strategies to replace advanced-level words with age/grade/level appropriate vocabulary.

Each Bloom’s Taxonomy category below should contain 10 questions = Total 60 questions (30 from the elementary level and 30 from the middle/high school level).

Question Examples – at elementary level for learning about call numbers:


? What is a call number?

? How many parts are there in a call number?

? When we look up books in Destiny, where do we find the call number?


? What does the beginning of the call number tell us about a book?

? Turn to your neighbor and discuss 1 thing you learned today about using call numbers.

? Can someone describe the difference between a Biography call number and a Fiction call number?


? Who can find the book in the library that has the call number F BAU?

? What is the call number for a book by the author Erin Hunter?

? Raise your hand and tell me a situation when you will need to know how to use call numbers.


? Can someone compare these two call numbers and tell me what?s similar?

? What are the parts of a call number and what do they mean?

? Why do you think we need call numbers?


? Was the scavenger hunt fun? Why or why not?

? Which question was hardest to answer on the scavenger hunt?

? What is the easiest way to find a book in the library?


? Design a flow chart to show others how we use call numbers to find books.

? Create a bookmark about using call numbers in the library.

? Change the words to a song you already know to teach students how to use call numbers in the library.

Last Updated on November 24, 2020

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