User Documentation

part 1

To ensure that the users of your system are supported, your team will need to provide documentation.

In an initial post of 400–600 words, discuss 3 major audiences for which you will need to develop user documentation. Compare and contrast the information that goes into the 3 types of documentation that you will deliver for each audience. In the next task, you will prepare for creating this documentation.


part 2

  • For your users to be prepared, you will need to provide user documentation. Create 3 skeleton documents—one for each audience identified in the Discussion Board.
  • Continue executing the project plan to develop the IT network system application. Each team member will continue working on tasks that were assigned to be completed this week. These tasks were designated in the work breakdown structure (WBS) created in the previous week.

my Group Discussion

As a group member , select the 3 types of user documentation you will provide. These will be submitted as part of the Key Assignment. Through discussion, develop a documentation plan that will result in your 3 audiences receiving the appropriate documentation.

Continue to report the status of project development in your quality management report. A section of this report should include the results of the quality assurance activities executed this week. Discuss the current progress of your assigned tasks from the WBS, and offer assistance where possible.

Individual Deliverables

Section 8: Documentation Plan

Complete the documentation plan section of your project plan. Your plan should address the following (at a minimum):

  • Which user documentation will be provided (at least 3 types)


Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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