In the essay, please follow the structure as below:
1. Identify the problem: The uneven gender revolution (100-150 words)
2. Provide two potential resolutions and explain their advantages and disadvantages.
- Solution 1 : Implement soft skill education (200 words)
Example (50 words)
Advantage & Disadvantage (150 words) Please include the estimated costs, challenges and barriers to implementing this solution. - Solution 2 : Increase the salaries of feminine occupations (100 words)
Example (50 words)
Advantage & Disadvantage (150 words) Please include the estimated costs, challenges and barriers to implementing this solution.
- Please include at least 2 references in each paragraph.
- Please use plagiarism check.
- Please follow the APA style.
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- Identify the problem: The uneven gender revolution.Several studies have argued that the revolution in the gender-based system is considered to be a ‘one-way street’ as women are increasingly sorting into previously male-dominated occupation; however, male does not sort into occupations which are traditionally female-dominated field (Lordan & Lekfuangfu, 2018; Strauss, 2018; Sullivan et al., 2018; Forsman & Barth, 2017; England, 2010). Also, public opinion tend to think that men should only hold masculine occupations, but women can have both masculine and feminine jobs (DiDonato & Strough, 2013). As such these are the problems we will be resolving in this portion of the Capstone. Importantly, these problems have taken years to develop and will take years to unravel, and we will forthrightly acknowledge that there is no quick fix nor any symptomatic concern that is so strong that we will deviate from the core issues mentioned above. The resolutions will be the positive symmetrical side to each of these problems: implementing soft skill education and increasing salaries of traditionally feminine work, we will seek to bolster both; regarding culture, we will acknowledge some of the slower, heavier changes that need to take place at a more tectonic level of our nation rather than the individual household.
Solution 1:
One solution for the uneven gender revolution is to open up the choices of boys by implementing soft-skill education, such as creativity, communication, collaboration, empathy and conscientiousness in every field. It is found that children in secondary school who did this soft skill education are more open to choosing jobs that aren’t along traditional lines. It is not to say to boys that they need to become a nurse, but to get boys and girls to really think about what their preferences are, give them more information on the occupations that they’re going into so they match appropriately. Also, encourage boys to rethink their choices with respect to jobs that were previously feminized (Lordan, 2019, the transcript is in the attachment).In the soft skill education, boy should also be encouraged to understand that they also hold feminine characteristics, and this is an advantage, not a threat to their masculinity, since study shows that the feminine traits are becoming more crucial for success in the future (Gerzema & D’Antonio, 2013; Weisgram, Dinella, & Fulcher, 2011). According to Forsman & Bart (2017), men will be increasingly interested in feminine-stereotyped occupations the more they are willing to admit to holding stereotypically feminine attributes (and thus presumably less needing to affirm their masculinity). For example, men who are willing to describe themselves as holding more traditionally feminine characteristics (e.g., being sympathetic, emotional, or intuitive) might be more interested in feminine stereotyped jobs because their identities are less threatened, and they likely hold attributes that are beneficial for doing the work associated with feminine occupations. Additional research suggests that both men and women who describe themselves as holding more feminine traits have greater interest in occupations that afford stereotypical feminine values (Forsman & Barth, 2017; Weisgram et al, 2011).
Solution 2:
Study shows that occupations dominated by females offer lower wages compared to jobs dominated by men (Strauß, 2016; England & Folbre, 2005).For example, as nurses and teachers are underpaid. So if we did increase the salaries of nursing, given that a lot of boys do still see themselves as breadwinners, you might get more sorting just because of that pay increase.
DiDonato, L., & Strough, J. (2013). Do college students’ gender-typed attitudes about occupations predict their real-world decisions? Sex Roles, 68, 536-549. doi:10.1007/s11199-013-0275-2.
England, P., & Folbre, N., (2005). Gender and economic sociology. In The handbook of economic sociology, edited by N. J. Smelser and R. Swedberg, 627-49. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Lekfuangfu, W. N., & Lordan, G. (2018). Cross Cohort Evidence on Gendered Sorting Patterns in the UK: The Importance of Societal Movements versus Childhood. Variables, IZA DP No 11872. Retrieved from
Leuze, K., & Strauß, S. (2016). Why do occupations dominated by women pay less? How ‘female-typical’ work tasks and working-time arrangements affect the gender wage gap among higher education graduates. Work, Employment and Society, 30(5), 802–820.
Forsman, J. A., & Barth, J. M. (2017). The effect of occupational gender stereotypes on men’s interest in female-dominated occupations. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 76(7-8), 460-472.
Gerzema, J., and D’Antonio, M. (2013). The Athena Doctrine: How Women (and the Men who think like them) will Rule the Future. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Sullivan, O., Gershuny, J. and Robinson, J. (2018). Stalled or Uneven Gender Revolution? A Long-Term Processual Framework for Understanding Why Change Is Slow. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 10(1), pp.263-279.
Vial, A. C., & Napier, J. L. (2018). Unnecessary Frills: Communality as a Nice (But Expendable) Trait in Leaders. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 1866. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01866
Weisgram, E. S., Dinella, L. M., & Fulcher, M. (2011). The role of masculinity/femininity, values, and occupational value affordances in shaping young men’s and women’s occupational choices. Sex Roles, 65, 243–258. doi:10.1007/s11199-011-9998-0.