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Typical Postnatal Development in the first 3 Months of life

You are a psychologist working in a program with expectant teen mothers and with parents of newborns. You have been contracted to develop content for Help Your Baby Grow, a training program.

Your task is to determine the essential information expectant teens need to know about typical postnatal development in the first 3 months of life, and what practical things they can do to support development at this stage of life.


Keeping your audience in mind, and creating your content using language and concepts suitable for your target group, submit your recommendations in 6- 8 pages.

Organize your assessment with the following headings:

  • Overview of Development.
  • Summarize the typical physical, psychosocial, and cognitive development in the first three months of life (approximately two pages).
  • Outline the expected milestones.
  • The Impact of the Home Environment on Neonatal Development.
  • Provide an overview of the impact of the home environment (for example, parenting and sleep practices) on typical neonatal development. Be sure to consider cultural factors that may be relevant to teen parents (approximately two pages).
  • How does the involvement of the baby’s father support the baby’s development?
  • How does environment affect neonatal development?
  • Best Practices for New Parents.
  • Evaluate the research for best practices that young parents can incorporate into neonatal caregiving (approximately two pages).
  • What are simple things that parents can do to support optimal psychosocial, cognitive, and physical development in the first three months of life?

Additional Requirements

Written communication: P

rovide key health information using language and format that is comprehensible to a layperson and supported with references from the current scholarly literature and medically reviewed sources. Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

The first 3 months of life are a critical time for the development of your baby. During this time, your baby will be learning how to use his or her body and how to interact with people, including you.

Your baby is born with an instinctive drive to grow and develop. Your role as a parent is to provide the right environment so that your baby can flourish during this period of rapid growth. However, there are some practical things you can do to support development at this stage of life.

Overview of Development

One of the ways that expectant mothers can support the healthy development of their babies is by ensuring they are getting enough rest. The first three months after birth are an important time for the baby, and getting adequate rest will help ensure that your baby is able to develop properly. It’s also important to relax and get some rest once you feel like you need it. You may want to use a relaxing bath or listen to music while you’re nursing or relaxing. If possible, try not to work too hard during this time.

The first three months of a newborn’s life are a period of rapid physical and emotional growth. In this time, the baby will develop quickly through the stages of infancy, and experience a range of developmental milestones.


When a mother is pregnant, she can often feel like she’s in a fog. She may not realize that her baby is getting bigger every day, or that her body is changing as well. However, once the baby is born, it’s important for mothers to pay close attention to their bodies and their babies’ physical development so they can be sure to provide the proper care for their infants throughout these early months.

Here’s a list of things expectant moms should know about the development of their babies in the first 3 months of life:

-Your baby is almost always born with an umbilical cord, which can be safely cut by a midwife or doctor as soon as possible.


-Your baby’s eyes may not open right away, but they will open in just a few days.

-Your baby can hear and see at birth, but they’re not “fully” awake yet. They’re only able to follow moving objects with their eyes until their brains are fully developed.


-Your baby will cry at first—it’s normal for them to cry for the first 2 weeks after birth. It helps them get used to being around people and gets them comfortable with letting go of some control in order to communicate needs. If you’re breastfeeding, try not to let your baby fall asleep when it cries—just hold them close until they calm down again!

Summarize the typical physical, psychosocial, and cognitive development in the first three months of life

A new baby can be a lot to take in, and there are no one-size-fits all guide to what new parents should expect. That’s why we’re here: to help you understand the typical physical, psychosocial, and cognitive development of your baby’s first three months. We’ll also give you tips on how to support this development so that your baby really does grow up to be a happy, healthy little person.


First, let’s talk about the physical development of your baby. Babies start out as an embryo inside their mother’s uterus (uterus = womb), where they grow for nine months until they are ready to come out! When this happens in the womb, sometimes it is called “delivery” or “bringing forth.” While there are many different types of delivery methods (vaginal birth vs caesarean section), most babies are delivered vaginally using an external force such as gravity or suction cups at around 37 weeks gestation. This is when you should start thinking about getting prepared for the big day by having a medical exam and counseling with your doctor.

Physical, psychosocial, and cognitive development in the first three months of life is a series of stages which include:


-Physiological development.


-Neurological development.


-Cognitive development.


-Motor development.


Physiological Development: The fetus is now able to move around and has developed the ability to swallow amniotic fluid. This is a vital process for the baby’s physical health. The fetus begins to urinate and pass urine at around 22 weeks of pregnancy; this is known as neonatal reflexes and usually happens before labor begins. At around 24 weeks, the heart beats stronger and faster than normal and blood flow through the umbilical cord increases significantly. The lungs are also developing at this time so they can take in air through their own systems and begin breathing independently from the placenta by 25 weeks. At around 27 weeks, babies begin to blink their eyes on their own suddenly; this is called “tonic immobility”. At birth, babies usually cry loudly until they realize that they need food or milk from their parents’

A newborn baby’s physical development is quite remarkable. The baby’s face is wrinkly and smooth, with a round belly and button nose. The baby’s hands and feet are tiny, with short fingers and toenails. The baby’s eyes are closed, but they will open after several days of life.


The infant grows quickly in the first few weeks of life. By 7 or 8 days old, she has developed enough strength to lift her head off the pillow and turn her head from side to side. By 10 days old she is able to open her eyes and follow objects moving around in front of her eyes. By 14 days old she can sit up but needs help to do so; by 18 days old she can stand alone for short periods of time; and by 21 days old (when she has gained 25% more weight than at birth), she can walk with assistance from an adult who holds onto her hands as she takes steps forward.

  1. The first three months of life are a critical time for children’s development. The developing brain and nervous system are rapidly growing and changing, and children’s bodies are rapidly growing and changing as well.


  1. During this time, children reach developmental milestones such as:


-Stroke: Babies begin to respond to stimuli by moving their arms and legs, or making sounds with their mouths


-Sensory development: Babies begin to recognize new sensations in their bodies (such as pain or hunger)


-Language development: Babies begin to babble, coo, and make other vocalizations that make sense to them.

Outline the expected milestones

  1. Expectant mothers should be aware that their baby’s first 3 months of life are critical for development.


  1. The newborn’s changing body will help them know when their baby is ready for new foods, sleep patterns, and developmental milestones.


  1. New moms should know how to support their babies’ needs at each stage of development.

What expectant moms and parents of newborns can do to support their babies’ physical and mental development during the first 3 months of life?


With a new baby, most people are overwhelmed by how much they have to do, how little time they have, and how much sleep they’ll be getting for the first few months. While you may feel like you have an endless list of things to do, there’s actually quite a bit of research showing that having a newborn is actually good for your mental health! If you’ve been feeling down lately or worried about your baby’s development, here are some tips on how you can boost your own mood and make sure your baby gets what he or she needs:


  1. Get enough sleep! It’s important for both of your mental health.


  1. Take care of yourself! Your body needs rest too!


  1. Exercise regularly – this will help keep you fit and strong so you can take better care of yourself when needed!


  1. Find someone who understands what it’s like to be a new parent – whether it’s a friend or family member or someone who has had experience with their own child (or children), this person will help remind you that there is light at the end of this tunnel – lots

The first 3 months are crucial for the healthy development of your child. In this period, your baby will establish an attachment with you, and will begin to show signs of self-awareness and understanding. At this stage, your baby is still unable to communicate by means of verbal communication. However, you can use your own body language, facial expressions, and sounds (such as crying) to communicate with your baby.


While performing these basic functions such as feeding and sleeping, you may notice that your baby is not using all four limbs equally at once or in coordination with each other (for example, in trying to crawl). Your baby may also not be able to turn over yet. These are just some of the milestones that can be observed during this period of time.


It’s important that you let your child sleep alone for at least 12 hours every day without disturbing them until they are at least 6 months old (or until they can sleep through the night). This will help ensure that they get enough rest so they can grow properly and develop into healthy adults!

The Impact of the Home Environment on Neonatal Development

The home environment plays a pivotal role in early postnatal development. Newborns who are cared for by parents or other primary caregivers form attachments that have been shown to have a profound effect on their health and wellbeing. Studies show that infants who are cared for by a parent or other caregiver are more likely to be breastfed, less likely to be hospitalized, and less likely to exhibit behavioral problems than infants who spend their first few months of life in institutions.


New mothers should be aware that their baby’s development is closely tied to their own; frequent contact with the baby during the first three months of life is essential for healthy development. Babies who spend time with their mother and father are more likely to become competent communicators and better at recognizing emotions than babies who spend little time with them before birth (and even fewer hours after). In addition, mothers who attend group prenatal classes are more likely to feel confident about how they will care for their newborn child when they get home from the hospital (Drake 2000).


In addition to being close emotionally, parents should make sure that they provide an enriching

In the first 3 months of life, most babies are not yet able to move around independently. They need a lot of care and attention from their parents in order to develop well. This can be difficult for mothers who are working full-time and taking care of children at home, so it is important for expectant teens to know about how their babies will develop during this time.




The main areas of development that a new baby needs during this period are:


-breathing and swallowing


-gagging reflexes (sticking out tongue)


-crying/shouting (maternal mode)


-sleeping patterns (parallel or divergent)


-feeding (maternal mode)




There are many things that will affect these areas including how much sleep the mother gets, whether she gives birth vaginally or by cesarean section, the amount of breast milk the baby receives, and whether they have been exposed to drugs while they were pregnant.

The home environment is the first place where babies get to learn about the world around them. The primary way babies interact with their parents is through touch and sound, so it’s important for pregnant teens to learn how to connect with their baby in a way that’s safe and effective.


Here are some tips for what expecting teens can do:


-Listen carefully to your baby’s cries—even if you think they’re not crying at all! Babies often cry when they’re hungry or uncomfortable. Be sure to respond promptly when you hear your baby crying (and check in on them often!).


-Give your baby a warm bath every day—it’s one of the best ways to get them comfortable and ready for sleeping at night! You can also use warm water for other things like washing their hands or putting on sunscreen before going outside (just make sure it’s not too hot!).


-Make sure that you’re getting enough sleep yourself! Teen moms need as much rest as possible after giving birth so that they can care for their children properly during the day and still manage their own responsibilities at home like cooking dinner or running errands.

Provide an overview of the impact of the home environment (for example, parenting and sleep practices) on typical neonatal development. Be sure to consider cultural factors that may be relevant to teen parents

The home environment is the single most influential factor on neonatal development. The quality of parenting and sleep practices have a profound effect on how babies develop and how they interact with their environment.


Expectant teen parents are often exhausted, depressed, and under stress from their own lives—they may not have the energy or energy for their baby. Teen mothers who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to have compromised lung growth rates in their babies, and smoking during pregnancy is linked with increased risk for low birth weight and preterm labor.


Teen mothers tend to go through a series of hormonal changes that affect brain development in babies. In addition to having difficulty with sleep due to fatigue or stress, teens are often dealing with other hormones like estrogen and progesterone which can cause mood swings that can be hard on the baby as well.


There is still much research to be done on this topic but there is enough evidence that suggests that it is important for expectant teen parents to take care of themselves so they can take care of their babies.

It is important to understand how the home environment influences the typical postnatal development of newborns. Though it is true that mothers are more likely to be educated than fathers, there are many factors that affect how well newborns develop, including:


-The amount of sleep and rest that a baby receives at home. Babies who do not get enough sleep will be less able to regulate their own body temperature and may have problems with feeding and breathing.


-The way in which parents interact with their children. For example, if parents do not arrange time for playing together or reading books together, they may miss out on important bonding experiences between parent and child.


-The quality of care provided by medical professionals during birth or in the first weeks after birth (for example, by midwives). If there are problems during birth or early in life, these can affect the way a child develops.

The first 3 months of life are an important time for a baby’s development. Babies can’t do much on their own until they are able to control their muscles and organs, so they need parents’ help in order to stay healthy. Babies also learn a lot from their environment, including how they sleep and eat, which is why it’s so important that parents provide the right kinds of care for their infants during this period.


There are many factors that affect neonatal development in the first 3 months after birth, including nutrition (e.g., breastfeeding), family history (e.g., genetics), environment (e.g., temperature), and health care (e.g., prenatal care). For example, babies who were breastfed as newborns tend to have lower rates of illness than formula-fed babies. However, there are some things you can do at home that may improve or cause problems for your baby’s development during these first few months:

In order to support the growth and development of your baby, you need to make sure that you have a safe, clean environment for him or her. The way you keep your child warm and comfortable will have a direct impact on their physical development.


For example, if your baby doesn’t get enough sleep, he will not grow properly. In addition to this, it is important that you feed your baby regularly so that he gets enough nutrients.


Another factor that may affect neonatal development is how well you take care of yourself during pregnancy and after birth. If you are not eating well or getting enough rest, then it can negatively affect your baby’s progress in terms of growth rate and weight gain (CPSD).

How does the involvement of the baby’s father support the baby’s development?

Parents of newborns and expectant teen mothers have a lot to learn about helping their babies grow. Newborns are not just tiny humans—they are tiny humans with unique needs. Babies need their parents to be there for them and help them grow, but they also need the space to do so.


One of the most important things parents can do is provide their offspring with physical comfort from birth through three months of life. In order for babies to develop well, they need good nutrition (which means breast milk), good hygiene (which means clean hands and changing diapers), regular movement (which means carrying them around), and exposure to sound (which means talking and singing right in baby’s ear).


Parents can also support development by helping their children reach milestones in skills like sitting up, walking, saying “mama” or “dada,” rolling over, clapping hands together, and more.

Developing a relationship with one’s baby is an essential part of postnatal care. However, it is not always easy to establish a close bond with your newborn. A mother’s involvement in the first three months after birth is crucial to ensure that her baby grows up healthy, happy and confident.


The father can help by providing emotional support and nurturing his wife through the early weeks of her new role as a mother. He can also be an important source of information about the development of his son or daughter and how he can best support them during this period.

The involvement of the baby’s father is vital to the baby’s development. This is because it allows for a more balanced relationship between parent and child and promotes bonding between them.


This can be seen in the way that babies respond to their fathers’ voices and touch, as well as by how they respond to being held or rocked.

The involvement of the baby’s father as a parent is extremely important for the baby’s development.


It can be difficult for teenage mothers to get their fathers’ commitment, but it is important that they do. The more involved fathers are in their children’s lives, the better off the children will be.


Studies show that when fathers are involved in the early stages of parenthood, they tend to have fewer problems with attachment and behavior problems. A study done by Dr. Eileen Kennedy-Moore has shown that this involvement begins even before birth and continues through pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond (Kennedy-Moore).


In addition to physical contact and emotional support during this period, additional ways for fathers to be involved include:


-Parenting classes for parents


-Support groups for dads (such as Dads on Vacation)


-The opportunity to spend time with his friends while his wife is at work or out with the baby (this can also help ease any stress associated with being a new father)

How does environment affect neonatal development?

The first three months of life are the most critical period in the life of your baby. The environment in which your baby is born and develops will affect his or her physical, mental, and emotional development.


Mothers should pay attention to their babies’ development and make sure that they have enough space, light, cleanliness, and stimulation. They should not just leave them in their own room all day long. Babies need to be held and rocked frequently by their mothers so that they can get used to being touched by others.


Babies also need good nutrition during this time. They should be given formula milk from birth until they are completely weaned off breast milk or formula milk at about 6 months of age. This ensures that they get enough calories for growth during this crucial stage of their lives.

Environmental factors can affect neonatal development in a number of ways. In the first few weeks following birth, environmental factors such as temperature and humidity can affect the baby’s health by affecting their sleep patterns and stress levels. Babies are sensitive to these changes and may have difficulty adjusting to them.


The environment around the baby is also important in terms of its stimulation level. Ideally, the baby should be stimulated by sights, sounds, and smells that are familiar to them. This helps them develop a sense of trust with their caregivers and helps prepare them for future experiences outside the womb.

It is important to remember that the environment can affect neonatal development.


The way a baby is cared for in the first few months of life can have a profound effect on how well they develop. Babies who are not exposed to enough stimulation (for example, when they are put in a dark room) or who are not held often enough may have problems with their brain development. This can lead to problems with learning and communication later in life.


When a baby is born, it has limited control over many of its actions and needs. A warm environment helps a baby regulate its body temperature so that it does not get too hot or too cold. A cool environment helps regulate body temperature so that it does not get too hot or too cold.


If there is no one around to hold your baby while he or she sleeps, he or she will probably wake up frequently throughout the night. This could make it harder for your baby to fall back asleep after waking up from being comforted by his or her mother’s voice and touch.

Best Practices for New Parents

After a baby is born, many parents are overwhelmed with the huge task of caring for a new baby. The first 3 months of life are especially important to new parents, because this is when babies’ brains and bodies develop most rapidly. That’s why it’s important to focus on what postnatal development looks like during these early months.


The first week after birth, your baby will be sleeping a lot and eating every 2-3 hours. At around 6 weeks old, your baby will start to get hungry more often (around every 3 hours), and you’ll notice that he or she wants to be held more often (around every hour). By 8 weeks old, your baby will start crawling but still need help getting around at times (around every hour). And by 10 weeks old, you’ll have noticed that your baby is more mobile—he or she may even be able to stand up on his or her own!


There are lots of things you can do to support this development in your little one:

The first few months of a newborn’s life are a critical time in their development, when they are transitioning from the womb to the outside world. They’re also fairly vulnerable to outside influences, including stressful situations and negative interactions with other people or pets. It’s important that parents understand what they can do to support their child’s development during this time and how best to respond to these challenges.


Here are some tips for helping your baby grow:


-Offer positive interactions, such as smiling or singing at your child. This will help them develop a positive view of themselves and others.


-Make sure your child has lots of sleep—naps are especially important during this stage!


-Keep your home safe and comfortable for your baby by avoiding harsh smells and loud noises.

New parents need a lot of help in the first few weeks and months of their children’s lives. That’s why we’re here! We know that new moms and dads often have a lot on their plate, so we’ve compiled a list of tips that can help you make the transition into parenthood as smooth as possible.


  1. Set up an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor can give you information about what to expect at this stage in your pregnancy, and they can also help you get set up with some useful resources (such as week-by-week pregnancy calendars) that will help you keep track of your baby’s development throughout its first few months. You’ll also want to schedule any other appointments or tests that need to be done right away!


  1. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep during your pregnancy—and even after delivery! This is especially important for new moms who have been working long hours before having kids. Try setting aside time each night for yourself so that you can take care of yourself, like maybe take a bath or read something good out loud to yourself before bedtime? If it feels hard

The first few months of life are a time of tremendous development for your baby. Newborns have their eyes open, they can hear, they can look around and make sense of things, and they have some control over their muscles. But there’s a lot going on!


As a new parent, it may seem overwhelming to try to understand everything that’s happening in your baby’s world at once—especially if you’re not used to being around babies much. It can be helpful to break things down into smaller chunks so that you can take one thing at a time and see how it fits into the bigger picture. It will also help you identify what kind of support is most valuable for your baby at this stage of life.


Here are some tips for supporting your baby:


-Feed them frequently throughout the day so that they get enough calories and nutrients from food


-Make sure they spend plenty of time sleeping (and don’t wake them up too much!)



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Last Updated on November 2, 2022

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