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Toyota in Kentucky

6 pages, double spaces,APA format

1: Executive Summary: (about 300 words) 2 points):

2. Background of the Foreign firm: (2 pages, 5 points)

i). Company background, parent company (if any) nature of its primary business, its

domestic & international operations; product/service focus;

(ii). Firm’s objective for investing in the USA; mode of entry (JV, M&A, subsidiary or

any other); dollar value of FDI in the USA; is it private/family owned or publicly listed

in US stock exchange or in other foreign stock market?;

3. Firms operations in the USA: (about 4 pages, 10 points)

(i). Firm’s organization structure, key management personnel; its website; and its

operational strategies, including international & domestic sales;

(ii). Firm’s major manufacturing/ service activities in the USA;

(iii). Firm’s export/import activities; If the firm manufacture in the US, how does the

firm market or distribute them in the US;

(iii).Firm’s contribution to employment

since its inception in the US;

(iv). Firm’s R&D investment & linkages with US institutions, etc,

(v). Any future plans in the USA?

4.Comments & summary: (about 1 page, 3 points):

Critical comments and summary of the performance of the FOE

Credit will be given for good writing & bibliography: Provide evidence of having

reviewed firm’s website and other sources, including review of publications;

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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