TIL Assignment

TIL Assignment_5 Drop Box

Where your message’s name and your report’s name should be:

Last name first name-TIL hw5

Example: Doe John-TIL hw5

Suggestion: Before answering this assignment, read the corresponding chapters (from 11 to 16).

Note: Each answer should be in boldface and needs to appear after its corresponding numbered question.

The 5th assignment is to answer the following 25 questions, where each question must begin with its original number, and its answer should be starting with a parenthesis containing the page number in the book where you will find the answer.


  1. What does Marginal Cost Pricing mean for the importer/exporter?

ANSWER: (page 30) Marginal cost pricing is the technique of setting the market entry price at or just above the threshold at which the firm would incur a loss.


  1. What refers to the “four freedoms”? Name the four fundamental freedoms provided by the European Union (EU) for limitless boundary expansion and formation of a new Europe.
  2. If imported products in the EU have “free circulation,” why do they still have to pay duties?
  3. How are the Africans nations moving to new industries and taking advantage of new competencies?
  4. Explain why websites are important when you operate a business internationally?
  5. What is a recent threat to international business?
  6. Describe the crucial importance of communication in international business.
  7. About Ghana, what are the export products that support its foreign trade? In addition, provide details of its economic growth
  8. What makes Niger so attractive to France, Germany, Japan, and Spain?
  9. What is EXIM Bank and what is its main objective?
  10. What is the difference between international and domestic business?
  11. What are trade blocs? In addition, provide examples
  12. Why is it important to examine competitors and how is it beneficial?
  13. What are the market goals in order to make importing and exporting successful?
  14. Mention some of the important factors of the Southern Africa Fund, Inc. and the Mauritiu Venture Capital fund.
  15. What is the best option after you have been successful in an international business setting?
  16. How is research important for success within the import and export industry?
  17. What are some of the catalysts that made Japan one of the richest and fastest growing countries in the Asian-Pacific region?
  18. How did South Korea to achieve an incredible rate of growth?
  19. What is the difference between after date and after sight?
  20. What are a banker’s bank, bank affiliate trade association, and banker’s acceptance?
  21. Describe the different types of certification.
  22. Describe the different types of bills of lading.
  23. Define collecting bank, collection, and collection papers.
  24. How are related confirming banks and consignees?
  25. What are the similarities on counter purchase and counter-trade?


Last Updated on November 4, 2019

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