Thinking errors

Reading Required: Last Chance in Texas by John Hubner (CHAPTERS 8 & 9)


Choose one of these reading prompts to respond to (there are multiple parts to each reading prompt, you must answer all parts).

  1. There are nine “thinking errors” discussed in Hubner (from earlier in the book). First, list them, then explain how each of these could potentially lead to continuous cycles of harming others if the thought processes are not changed. How does an adjustment in thinking have the potential to change the lives of these young offenders? Give examples of how in the process of healing the youth in this book use these tools to understand what they have been through and what they have done. How can this help to prevent recidivism?
  2. Do you believe that there should be a separate justice system for youth? Why or why not? Should juvenile offenders be treated differently than adults? Why or why not? If an adult and a minor commit the same crime, should the punishments be different? Explain using information from Hubner.


Last Updated on October 30, 2019

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