Theory Application 1

Case Study:

Laura is aged 45 and a mother of two children, one a boy is aged 18 and the other a girl is aged 12. According to her, she is having issues letting go of her son recently joined the college in a different state. This inability to let go of her son has led to strained their relationship is beginning to affect her psychologically. She reported feeling a sense of abandonment and anxiety at the thought of her son leaving and possibly resenting her.

After the description of the current situation. Laura’s mother Lilian exhibited the same behavior when Laura was leaving for college, and a sense of abandonment overwhelmed her. She was also apprehensive and lead to strained relationships with Laura. Although this relationship was later amended, the same tendencies are being seen in Laura with her children. Laura has also been in the period during which she lost her elderly mother to cancer. She must have felt a loss of control and wanted to remain close to her family.

Lilian was stressed at the time and mourning her mother. It happened to be the same period during which Laura was leaving home, and that saddened her further. She slipped into depression and was diagnosed with depression by a clinician. Laura’s grandmother, Grace, had also suffered bouts of depression in her life but had never sought medical help. Stressful periods and drastic change triggered the emotional rollercoaster and Grace, and Lilian experienced depression at those moments. The same trend was seen in Laura with the drastic change being the left of her son for college.

Additionally, Laura had picked up some of the habits she was exhibiting currently form watching her mother. Without knowing why she was panicky about her son leaving and the pressure she was applying to their relationship she has assimilated some of her mother’s behavior. Although it was not clear how the grandmother had reacted to the left of her children for various endeavors the pattern between Laura and Lillian became more apparent.

Lilian was a teacher for children with special needs which meant that the children were largely dependent on her for care and guidanceLaura worked in the service industry and in particular in the hotels and hospitality business. Laura managed to gain a higher education and got her masters. On the other hand, one of the behaviors that had stopped with Laura’s generation was physical and verbal abuse. Lillian had a verbally abusive partner who is Laura’s father while Grace’s husband, Laura’s grandfather, was both verbally and physically abusive.

  • Describe your client. Provide a summary of your case study.
  • Identify the case goals you will work on with the client and the techniques and interventions you will use. Be specific and make sure the case goals, techniques, and interventions align with your chosen theory.
  • Evaluate the appropriateness of a specific psychotherapeutic approach for diverse populations by discussing the strengths and limitations of using this theory with your client’s cultural attributes.
  • Incorporate evidence-based theories in a personal philosophy of counseling.


  • References: You must have a minimum of 5 scholarly resources. A seminal book may substitute for one journal article. You must use the current APA style to list your references. Refer to the APA Style and Format (linked in the Resources) campus page for more information.
  • Length of paper: The body of the paper must be 3–4 pages, not including the reference lists, abstract, or the title page.
  • Written communication: Develop accurate written communication and thoughts that convey the overall goals of the project and do not detract from the overall message. Your paper should demonstrate graduate-level writing skills.
  • Formatting: Use the current APA formatting, including correct in-text citations, proper punctuation, double-spacing throughout, proper headings and subheadings, no skipped lines before headings and subheadings, proper paragraph and block indentation, no bolding, one-inch margins all around, and no bullets. Refer to the APA Style and Format campus page for more information.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Last Updated on May 17, 2019

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