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Themes from Never Let Me Go

Motifs are distinctive, recurring features that further develop a theme from a story.

Research Question: What does a motif tell us about a theme in Never Let Me Go?

Motifs we are tracking in Never Let Me Go


–Lost and Found


Themes from Never Let Me Go:

–Friendship bonds

–Truth v. Lies and intentional deception

–Dreams, hopes, ideas for the future

–Memory and recollecting the past

–Loss, or life and death

–Coming of age v. adulthood

  • Directions for your paper: Pick ONE motif and ONE theme, and answer the research question based on PART 1 of Never Let Me Go. Your paper needs a Thesis Statement, and should be at least 4 paragraphs long.
  • Assessment of your paper: This paper will be assessing four components: Thesis Statement Development; Organization of Writing; Supporting Claims with Evidence; Formality and Use of Language and Writing.
  • Please note: You will format the paper with MLA formatting rules and you will be directly citing and paraphrasing examples from the book; you’ll need a works cited page citing Never Let Me Go. Draft your paper in this document so I can track your progress.


  1. Brainstorming: in class 10/17/2019
  2. Drafting Thesis: in class 10/17/2019
  3. Outlining: homework 10/17/2019
  4. Finding Evidence: 10/22, 10/24
  5. Drafting Paragraphs: 10/24, 10/29, 11/13/2019
  6. Self Revision, Reflection
  7. Teacher Feedback Session
  8. Self Revision, Reflection
  9. Assessment

Suggested outline structure:

  1. Paragraph 1: Introduction w/ thesis statement
    1. Introduce the title, author, and main ideas of the book (including dystopia)
    2. Thesis Statement is the last sentence of the introduction paragraph
  2. Paragraph 2: Body of writing– perhaps elaborate on the motif?
    1. Provide at least 3 examples from the text
  3. Paragraph 3: Body of writing– perhaps elaborate on the theme?
    1. Provide at least 3 examples from the text
  4. Paragraph 4: Conclusion


Brainstorming: Pick a motif and a theme that is highlighted in part 1 of the book

  • Pretending→ Truth v. Lies/intentional deception
    • Examples of this in part 1:
      • What Norfok really is
      • Ruth conviving her friends about who really gave the coim
      • Kathy acting like she didn’t know how Ruth got the coim
      • Miss Emily not telling the students the truths of why they are here

Start drafting a Thesis Statement: 1-sentence answer to the research question

Research question: What does a motif tell us about a theme in Never Let Me Go?

Specific rephrasing: What does the motif of “pretending” tell us about the theme of “truth v. lies” in Part 1 of Never Let Me Go?

The motif “Pretending” tells us about the theme “Truth v. Lies and intentional deception” in the book Never Let Me Go.


Outlining: take the suggested outline structure and fill in your information



In your introduction (first paragraph), you will address the following questions:

  • What is intentional deception?
  • How does this relate to the motif of pretending?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of intentional deception?


Body Paragraphs:


Body ONE: Ruth convincing her friends about who really gave her the pencil case

Body TWO: Kathy acting like she didn’t know that Ruth was lying to the rest of the girls about the pencil case

Body THREE: Miss Lucy not telling the students the truth about why they were at Hailsham

Your essay will conclude / end with a conclusion:

A conclusion should make some closing remarks, and restate some of what is in the essay.


Essay Graphic Organizer


Answer the following questions:

  • What is intentional deception?

Intentional deception is when someone lies to another person on purpose in order to get an advantage over that person.

  • How does this relate to the motif of pretending?

Intentional deception is a form of pretending when the teachers don’t tell them what is happening .

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of intentional deception?

Intro sentence:( Adress the motif and who the charotewrs are and adress

  1. Reword1 topic sentence 1
  2. Reword1 topic sentence 2
  3. Reword1 topic sentence 1
  • Introduce the book: name, author, plot, main characters.

The book Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro takes place in europe during the mid 1900s. The book takes place at a school called Hailsham where the author follows the lives of Tommy, Ruth and the main character Kathy.

  • What is intentional deception ?

Intentional deception is when someone lies to another person on purpose in order to get an advantage over that person.

  • How does this relate to the motif of pretending?

Intentional deception is a form of pretending when the teachers don’t tell them what is happening .

  • What are the advantages of intentional deception in the story?

The masters of intentional deception were the teachers at Hailsham. would lie to the kids just so they could mold them into what they needed.

  • Thesis Statement

What does a motif tell us about a theme in Never Let Me Go?

The motif of pretending teaches us about the theme of intentional deception in Never Let Me Go.






Body Paragraph One:

Claims: Motif of “pretending” tells us more about theme of “truth and lies”

Examples: Ruth lies to her friends and peers (example: how she got the pencil case)


Draft of paragraph:

  • Topic sentence/Intro sentence: A recurring motif throughout the book is pretending.
  • Body sentence: The obstacle preventing Ruth and Kathy, from being best friends is the constant deception that goes back and forth in their relationship.
  • Quote:“Ruth has a fluffy pencil case with red dots on it and pom-poms on the zip placed on the desk. Kathy inquisitively asks Ruth if she got it in the sale, and Ruth replies ‘Let’s just agree I got it in the sales”(56)
  • Analysis: The red polka dotted case get everyone’s attention in the room because no one has ever seen anything like it. Ruth wants everyone to think that it was a gift from a teacher.
  • Body sentence: As the kids are all looking at the case, Kathy infears how Ruth was able to get such a special item.
  • Quote: “Ruth then becomes very upset and walks off.”(56)
  • Analysis: Her peers start to question the truth of the story. Out of anger and embarrassment, Kathy infers that Ruth lied about all.
  • Concluding/transition sentence: The recurring theme is “truth and Lies” in this book. Its occurrence starts with one lie and more just pile on because kids lie to help other lies sound real.

Support your example of deception and how it relates to the theme and motif you have chosen:

  • Ruth convincing her friends about who really gave her the pencil case

What quotes / excerpts from the novel support this.

“Ruth has a fluffy pencil case with red dots on it and pom-poms on the zip placed on the desk. Kathy inquisitively asks Ruth if she got it in the sale, and Ruth replies ‘Let’s just agree I got it in the sales”(56)When the pencil case first comes into room 5


“Ruth then becomes very upset and walks off.” (56) She was mad that the kids didn’t believe her and so she left

Body Paragraph Two:

Support your example of deception and how it relates to the theme and motif you have chosen:

  • Kathy acting like she didn’t know that Ruth was lying to the rest of the girls about the pencil case

What quotes / excerpts from the novel support this:

“Now, for much the same reasons I’d not been able to talk openly to Ruth about what I’d done to her over the Sales Register business, she of course wasn’t able to thank me for the way I’d intervened with Midge. But it was obvious from her manner towards me, not just over the next few days, but over the weeks that followed, how pleased she was with me.”(63)

“We can’t say where it came from.”(62)

  • Topic sentence/Intro sentence: Kathy acting like she didn’t know that Ruth was lying to the rest of the girls about the pencil case.
  • Body sentence: The kids are now starting to ask questions, that if they answered their classmates would figure out that they are lying.
  • Quote:““We can’t say where it came from.”(62)
  • Analysis: The girls said this because that way they aren’t fully lying, because they aren’t saying who gave it to her. They are letting people infer who gave the pencil case.
  • Body sentence: Kathy stepped in and helped because her Ruth and her were in a fight and she knew they would be fine if she did.
  • Quote: “I’d not been able to talk openly to Ruth about what I’d done to her over the Sales Register business, she of course wasn’t able to thank me for the way I’d intervened with Midge.(63)
  • Analysis: The reason Kathy was never able to talk to Ruth about it was if they did than Ruth would have had to admit she was lying. So the girls just went from being in a fight to being friends again.
  • Concluding/transition sentence: They only infer so no one can ever say they lied because Ruth let them think what she wanted so she could feel more specie.
Body Paragraph Three:

  • Topic sentence/Intro sentence: The lies that are told in this book are not only from the students, but also the teachers.
  • Body sentence: Miss Lucy
  • Quote:“If you’re to live decent lives, you have to know who you are and what lies ahead of you, every one of you.”(81)- Miss Lucy
  • Analysis: This is a big thing for the kids to learn at this age. She was not supposed to say anything about what their future was going to end up being.
  • Body sentence: Miss Emily lied to the kids too but she would do it in a way where she was not helping them but actually hurting.
  • Quote: So when miss Lucy finally said“If you’re to have decent lives, you have to know who you are and what lies ahead of you, every one of you.”(81) that was the end for her.
  • Analysis: The kids were confused and didn’t know what to say to that because they aren’t used to the truth. What she is trying to tell the kids is that they need to live their lives now.
  • Concluding/transition sentence: The teachers both lied but only one of them told the truth and look what happened, so we do

Support your example of deception and how it relates to the theme and motif you have chosen:

Miss Lucy not telling the students the truth about why they were at Hailsham

What quotes / excerpts from the novel support this.

“If you’re to have decent lives, you have to know who you are and what lies ahead of you, every one of you.”(81)


A conclusion should make some closing remarks, and restate some of what is in the essay.

6 sentences connecting back to evidence (quotes), analysis, and the thesis statement.


Last Updated on November 25, 2019

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