Theme park ride

1) Pick your favorite theme park ride and give a brief description of it. Identify its stakeholders (At least 3), then write their stakeholders requirements (At least 2 for each requirement category for each stakeholder).

I.E. :

1.0 Requirements

1.1 Input/Output Requirements for Development

1.1.1 Stakeholder 1 Req 1

1.1.2 Stakeholder 1 Req 2

1.1.3 Stakeholder 2 Req 1

1.1.6 Stakeholder 3 Req 2

1.2 System-Wide Requirements for Development

1.3 Trade-Off Requirements for Development

1.4 Qualification Requirements

2) Translate these stakeholders requirements into systems requirements and separate them into the corresponding level: Systems requirements, subsystems requirements & component requirements (Use a bottom-up approach for this decomposition). Decompose only subsystems and components related to your stakeholder’s requirements. Work at least in one subsystem and three components.


1.0 Systems Requirements


1.1 Subsystem 1 Requirements

1.1.1 Component 1 Requirements (Start Here)

Keep your assignment in order. Every single requirement must be listed as an StkhldrRD (With proper numeration and indentation regarding its level). Do this requirement list only for the Development Phase.


Last Updated on February 10, 2019

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