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The Business Case for Sustainability

case analysis

Look through the website, watch the videos and read the articles found at the links below. and InterfaceFlor: The Business Case for Sustainability

Look through the website, watch the videos and read the articles found at the links below.



• Read the “Excerpt” from the link below:


Description: Business Lessons from a Radical Industrialist is an updated follow up to Ray’s 2009 book published by St. Martin’s Press. Called both a “how to” and a “why to” on sustainability, the book debunks the myth that financial success and environmental success are mutually exclusive and tells the Interface story.

Answer the following questions:

1. Describe the product offerings of How are these products different from traditional carpet? What problems does Flor/InterfaceFlor carpet solve in terms of consumer usage and sustainability?

2. List three strategies that Flor/InterfaceFlor uses to improve the sustainability of its products while at the same time lowering its costs?

3. What effect has Flor/InterfaceFlor’s strategies had on the culture of their company? How do you think that cultural shift has improved product quality and lowers costs of Flor products?

Last Updated on September 8, 2024

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