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SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Task brief & rubrics Midterm Assessment

The task is individual The deliverable has to be a report: 2,500-3,000 words. The weight is equivalent to 40% of the overall grade. The report has to be delivered in Turnitin on the 21st of June, before 11.59 CEST. Harvard Referencing System has to be used.

Pick up one company from the following list

  • Inditex • VW Wolsfburg
  • Starbucks
  • Carrefour
  • IKEA
  • Inditex
  • Unilever
  • Nestle
  • McDonald’s
  • Nike
  • H&M
  • Amazon
  • Samsung

1) Briefly describe the company (shareholders, products/services provided, sales figures, recent evolution) and identify its supply chain 2) Discuss how the selected company achieves a balance between Supply chain arrangements and consumer value 3) Identify their Supply Chain.

4) Describe each of the three parts of this SC a. Supplies b. Manufacturing or creation of services

  1. Distribution channels 5) Make a critical analysis of each of them and of the supply chain as a whole 6) Discuss availability in logistics customer service and provide examples of the different ways to monitor the company’s performance in



Exceptional 90-100

Good 80-89

Fair 70-79

Fail <70

Knowledge & understanding


Student demonstrates clear understanding of the Supply Chain Management concepts involved in the discussion questions; Provide relevant examples from Corporate world to establish a connection between practice and theory; Free of grammatical or stylistic errors

Student demonstrates fair understanding of the Supply Chain Management concepts involved in the discussion questions; Provide few examples from Corporate world to establish a connection between practice and theory; Few grammatical or stylistic errors.

Student demonstrates few, if any new ideas or connections; summarize other postings; Several grammatical or stylistic errors.

Student demonstrates little or no awareness of key concepts required in the discussion questions; Obvious grammatical or stylistic errors

Critical evaluation


Student comments significantly add to the learning process; demonstrates higher level of critical thinking-analysis, synthesis& evaluation.

Student comments add to the learning process; demonstrates moderate level of critical thinking analysis, synthesis& evaluation.

Generally competent; information is average doesn’t add to the continuous learning process; grammatical or stylistic errors interfere with the content.

No new ideas are presented; Usually have “I agree with…” statement; makes understanding impossible.

Written Communication (20%)

Student communicates their ideas extremely clearly and concisely. Able to connect theory with the case study, comments are focused and concise.

Student communicates their ideas clearly and concisely. Able to connect with the case study but lack depth and/or detail.

Student communicates their ideas with some clarity and concision. Limited, if any connections with the case study; vague generalities

Student fails to communicate their ideas clearly and concisely. No connections are generated between theory and the case study; comments are off topic

Synthesis (30%)

Student synthesizes the content of their writing with exceptional clarity and concision

Student synthesizes the content of their writing with some clarity and concision

Student synthesizes the content of their writing, although work lacks clarity and/or concision

Student makes an insufficient attempt to synthesize, with a lack of clarity and concision.

Last Updated on June 14, 2020

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