Prepare a written textual analysis of all literature selections you will be presenting. Include the following in your written analysis (remember to double space and write this portion in essay format):
Why/how you chose your Story Kit theme. (we think kids would love an animal themed story kit)
How you arrived at the decision to use this particular Picture Book as the basis of your Story Kit Performance assignment.
Identify the type, theme, plot, format of the Picture Book used.
Discuss what style of artwork is used in the Picture Book and how is it integral to the story.
Discuss what makes this book appropriate for Oral Interpretation.
Identify the age groups and learning styles are you targeting with your Story Kit.
Which vocal/performance skills will you focus on during your presentation (how will you use your voices and your bodies).
Include a complete bibliography of all selections performed; attach this cover sheet to paper.
PICTURE BOOK: are you my mother?