Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court Justice
Instructions: Select a local, state, national or international female leader and research her leadership style. Summarize what you believe makes her a good leader and which characteristics or styles she uses.
Make sure you include the following items in your report:
Begin your report with a cover sheet with your name, course # and name, Woman Leader’s Name. Your summary should describe the leader and her leadership style.
Name specific leadership traits or behaviors of this leader.
Name the leadership trait or leadership behavior that you think best explains the success of this leader and why. What is she known for?
Explain why this leadership style or approach has been successful for this leader and make logical arguments supporting your case. Cite examples.
Cite at least three journal articles and at least two direct quotes for this leader (include citation with page number). Direct quotes should be short (no more than one sentence) and should be noted with quotation marks.
Include a Reference or Bibliography page using APA format.