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Software and Data and Databases questions

The book:


Study Questions – Chapter 3

  1. Come up with your own definition of software. Explain the key terms in your definition.
  2. What are the functions of the operating system?
  3. Which of the following are operating systems and which are applications: Microsoft Excel, Google Chrome, iTunes, Windows, Android, Angry Birds.
  4. What is your favorite software application? What tasks does it help you accomplish?
  5. What is a “killer” app? What was the killer app for the PC?
  6. How would you categorize the software that runs on mobile devices? Break down these apps into at least three basic categories and give an example of each.
  7. Explain what an ERP system
  8. What is open-source software? How does it differ from closed-source software? Give an example of each.
  9. What does a software license grant?
  10. How did the Y2K (year 2000) problem affect the sales of ERP systems?

Study Questions – Chapter 4

  1. What is the difference between data, information, and knowledge?
  2. Explain in your own words how the data component relates to the hardware and software components of information
  3. What is the difference between quantitative data and qualitative data? In what situations could the number 42 be considered qualitative data?
  4. What are the characteristics of a relational database?
  5. When would using a personal DBMS make sense?
  6. What is the difference between a spreadsheet and a database? List three differences between them.
  7. Describe what the term normalization means.
  8. Why is it important to define the data type of a field when designing a relational database?
  9. Name a database you interact with What would some of the field names be?
  10. What is metadata?
  11. Name three advantages of using a data warehouse.
  12. What is data mining?

Last Updated on February 14, 2019

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