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Social network graph of American airport

Use python to create social network graph of American airport.

First, choose the EWR airport as the original airport( in Colum H), create a network from EWR to all distinction (in Colum K), every airport is a node, the edge weight is the times two airports are connected, color block according to delay. There are five delay reasons in Colum Z,AA,AB,AC,AD, the number means the delay time(minute), if it is 0, it means that this flight is delayed not for that reason. Create a pie graph according to the reason of delay, thus showing the proportion of different delay causes of this airport.


Then, change the original airport from EWR to JFK, repeat the above step.

Finally, change the original airport from JFK to LAX, repeat the above step.

Explain and analyze the results obtained.Compare in two groups, one is EWR and JFK(close to each other); another one is EWR and LAX(different state)

social network graph of American airport.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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