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Simulation using OMNET++

The assignment has three primary components:

1) configuring your development and testing environment (already done),

2) learning how to execute and measure various features of a network simulation/implementation, and

3) collecting, analyzing, and visualizing your measurement data to extract useful information about network operation and performance.


Tasks required using OMNET++:

  1. Set up the OMNET++/INET IDE – Follow the available installation and configuration guides to set up the development environment for OMNET++ including the optional INET add-on. (already done),
  2. Learn to use OMNET++ and INET – Go through the sample projects provided by OMNET++, starting with the tictoc project, and the tutorials and examples provided in INET, including but not limited to the wireless examples, following the documentation and tutorials for OMNET++ and INET as needed. Pay particular attention to the definitions and parameter specifications in the .ned files and how they integrate with the underlying C++ protocol implementations in the various included packages, e.g., implementation of the 802.11 WiFi protocols included in inet/src/inet/linklayer/ieee80211/.
  3. Use the built-in evaluation tools in OMNET++ – Open the INET example in the inet/examples/wireless/hosttohost/ folder, and run various configurations for 5 seconds each (probably using the “run until…” feature without animation), making sure to call finish() after each run. In the results/ folder, you should see the scalar .sca and vector .vec output files for each run. Following the documentation available, create a new Analysis .anf file that analyzes the output files and creates plots or outputs scalars to visualize relevant performance statistics for each run, using the appropriate module and statistic name filters. Repeat your trials several times, re-configuring the network in each round by changing relevant parameters in the .ini file, and create some attractive graphs to illustrate any interesting findings.

Simulation using OMNET++ Deliverables:

a written summary of the efforts in the above tasks, including the following:

  • A brief description of the steps you took in each of the assignment tasks including mention of any interesting observations,
  • Interesting graphs/plots that you created in performing the assignment tasks including why the statistics shown are relevant, and
  • A description of the graphs and the changes observed with the modified network parameters.



The written summary should be no longer than four (4) pages in a single-column format using font size 10 or greater.


Last Updated on October 23, 2019

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