short reflections

short reflections

write three short reflections on three weekly topics, drawing on unit readings.

Focus questions:

-Refering to Jurgenson, reflect on how the idea oftemporary

photography sits with the fundamental purpose of photography technology

-Reflect on the Wilson reading and the concept of “unfinished


Readings: Pics and it Didn’t Happen (The New Inquiry): http:llis.gdlKWqwJ1

Wilson, J. Participation TV: \/rdeogame Archaeology and

New Media Art” in Swalwell, M. & Wilson, J. (eds) The Pleasures of Computer Gaming: Essays on Cultural History, Theory and Aesthetics.Mc Farland Print and journalism

Focus questions:

-What does Smith mean when he talks about “media systems”?

-Are there any parallels to

be drawn between the impact ofthe printing press on society and laterlcurrent technologies?

Readings: “Chapter 7: Technology and Control:

the Interactive Dimensions of Journalism” in Curran, J., Gurevitch, M. & Woollacott, J. (eds) (1977) Mass Communication and Society. Open

University Press Love, war & work

Focus question:

-Referring to Gregg, reflect on the ways that communication technology has changed the

way we work – from both employees’ and employers’ perspectives

Readings: “Chapter 2: Working From Home: The Mobile Oflice and the

Seduction of Convenience” in Gregg, M. (2011). Work’s Intimacy. Polity.

I uploaded the first two readings, and you can read the last

reading from read the chapter 2

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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