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Self – Reflection Profile Essay

The assignment for this week consists of composing a profile of yourself as a reader,
learner, writer, and critical thinker. For this assignment, you will first take the Smarter
Measure Survey.‘ Then, you will present a self-reflection profile about yourself as it
relates to your reading of Yuki Sasao’s “Can You Listen to Yourself’ and Wallace’s
“Failure Is Not an Option.” After reading the two articles from Foundations of Success
and answering the Smarter Measure survey questions, you will address the following
topics in an essay format.

1- Present some general information about yourself.
2- Consider the reading “Making An Argument” (129-142) from Choosing and Using
Sources, and present an argument for having or not having either a fixed mindset or a
growth mindset as discussed in Wallace’s article.
3- Explain how your reading of Priester’s “Preface” and the two articles named above,
along with the results the Smarter Measures survey have influenced your thoughts about
what will be required to succeed professionally and academically. In other words, after
responding to the Smarter Measures survey, how do you measure yourself as a learner
and your academic readiness in terms of your learning style, individual attributes,
technology knowledge and competence and dealing with life factors? Relate this section
of your essay to the general information about yourself that you began your essay with.
Assignment requirements:
This assignment requires that you follow the MLA guides for structuring an essay. The
essay should be a minimum of 950 words. Develop your argument and support it well.
(Review the grading rubrics for written assignments).
Thin kmg for Yourself, Reflecting, and
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Evaluating Success and Failure m the
New Age of Information
We will be discussing the general principles and techniques of critical thinking through
reflection, communication, evaluation, and logical argument. This week we will learn
about what it means to think critically for yourself and reflect on the challenge of finding
your mental space in the face of what may be a busy schedule. You will also evaluate and
reflect on the concepts of success and failure. We have selected some activities to help
you with learning these skills. The first book we have selected is Foundations of
Academic Success: Words of Wisdom. Dr. Thomas Priester says in the preface to this
book: “ Some may believe that success looks like a straight and narrow line that connects
the dots between where you are and where you are going, but the truth is that success
looks more like a hot mess of twists and turns, curves and bumps, and hurdles and
alternate pathways“ (ix). We have selected this book to stimulate the cognitive skills that
are associated with reflecting. evaluating and interpreting an argument. We will start by reading “Can You Listen to Yourself?” (pp. 16-17) and “Failure Is Not An Option” (pp.
You will complete a self-reflection essay where you will compose a profile of
yourself as a reader, learner, writer, and critical thinker. For this assignment, you
will take the Smarter Measures Survey and present a self-reflection profile about
yourself as it relates to your reading of Yuki Sasao’s “Can You Listen to
Yourself“ and Wallace’s “Failure Is Not an Option.”
In your first week of the course, keep your focus on the objectives of this week’s
materials and how they will help you with this week’s materials and the
subsequent course materials. The focus is going to be on self-reflection in
response to your reading of the selected materials from both of the books,
Foundations of Success: Words of Wisdom and Choosing & Using Sources.
Reflect on the following terms:
What does it mean for you to be a reader? Obviously, you are reading this text
now and you read every day, which literally and technically makes you a reader.
What is asked of you now is to define yourself as a reader: What do you like to
read? How do you read your text? Which format of the text do you prefer: in print
or digital? Which type of literature do you read? What are you reading habits? Do
you read best in a quiet environment? Do you read with a goal in mind? Do you
habitually read with the purpose of entertainment, education, or ediflcation?
How do you define yourself as a writer? Writing and reading go together well,
since writing can be a good reflection of your thoughts and feelings about what
you read. Do you like to write personal essays? How do you feel about other types
of writing such as technical and research?
It is important to think about asking some questions about writing:
What do you like to write about? It is important to think of your topic.
Who do you write for? It is very important to think about your audience.
Why do you write? It is important to think of your purpose.
How does writing connect you with yourself? It is important that you demonstrate
and reflect your voice.

Last Updated on January 19, 2018

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