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Secular humanism from a Christian Apologetics perspective

  1. Apologetics Application Paper

The student will evaluate a non-Christian worldview and provide a defense of Christianity in light of that worldview. The paper must demonstrate a working knowledge of the assigned course readings as well as outside research on the chosen topic. The student will complete the paper in 3 parts. The paper will be written in current Turabian and LUSD formats.

Part 1 and Part 2

Parts 1 and 2 are designed to help the student develop a final paper that meets the requirements stated in the instructions and that accomplishes the academic goals. Each of these two parts will be submitted using the submission forms provided in Blackboard, and include the preliminary ideas and content required on those forms.


The final paper will combine all the fully developed elements from Parts 1 and 2 in proper formatting. This final version of the paper will be 10–13 pages of content.


These points should be covered!


The focus of this paper is the worldview “Secular Humanism”: using these perspectives and worldviews below!


ALL SOURCES HAVE TO BE SCHOLARLY (at least 13 scholarly sources using the Turabian citation style in the paper including a bibliography with footnote citations)


  1. Introduction
  2. Summary of the Worldview  (my topic:  Secular Humanism)
  1. Ultimate Reality
  2. Truth
  3. Human Beings
  4. History and Afterlife
  5. Epistemology
  6. Soteriology
  7. Source of Morality

III.   Evaluation of the Worldview

  1. Whether It Is Internally Logically Consistent
  2. Whether It Is Factually Adequate
  3. Whether It Is Existentially Viable
  4. Whether It Is Intellectually and Culturally Fecund
  5. Whether It Resorts to Radical Ad hocReadjustment
  6. Whether It Explains What It Ought to Explain
  7.   Christian Alternative
  8. Whether It Is Internally Logically Consistent
  9. Whether It Is Factually Adequate
  10. Whether It Is Existentially Viable
  11. Whether It Is Intellectually and Culturally Fecund
  12. Whether It Resorts to Radical Ad hocReadjustment
  13. Whether It Explains What It Ought to Explain
  14.   Defense of Christianity
  15. Theistic Arguments
  16. The Ontological Argument
  17. The Cosmological Argument
  18. The Teleological Argument
  19. The Anthropological Argument
  20. The Christian Theodicy(Response to the Problem of Evil)
  21. The Resurrection of Christ
  22.                        Conclusion

In your introduction, be sure to state your purpose and thesis statements.




Texts Books for used in this course:



Bush, L. Russ. The Advancement. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishing Group, 2003. ISBN:



Groothuis, Douglas. Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith. Downers

Grove: IVP Academic, 2011. ISBN: 9780830839353



Last Updated on March 15, 2018

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