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Role of Public Financial Management ,Developing Budgets, & Understanding the Budget Process

  1. Three alumni discuss role of public financial management in their advancing –careers (pp. 17-18)
  2. What was their common level of interaction with public financial management?
  3. What skills does a senior public administrator need to develop to effectively supervise financial management in their department/agency/jurisdiction?
  4. If asked tomorrow to accept additional financial responsibility in your organization, what would be your first request?
  5. Based on readings in Chapter 2, review the Case Study on pp. 56-65
  6. What is the most significant source of revenue?

    2. What is the most significant expenditure category?

  7. If asked to reduce revenue projections by 5%, which expenditures could you reduce to remain in balance?
  8. Review Developing Government Budget (pp. 56-65)
  9. How long, based on the calendar, can the budget process take?

    2. What is the primary challenge with revenue estimation? What is uncertain?

    3. What are the steps departments should take in submitting their budget requests?

Reference and Textbook are below;

Finkler, S. A., Calabrese, T., Purtell, R., & Smith, D. L. (2013). Financial management for public, health, and not-for-profit organizations (4th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

Role of Public Financial Management ,Developing Budgets, & Understanding the Budget Process

Last Updated on December 11, 2019

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