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Ridiculous Motivational Speech

Ridiculous Motivational Speech

Length: 8-10Power Point Slides for the Story Board and 350 to 450 words for the speech.

What: Develop a speech and Storyboard on a ridiculous topic on which to motivate or inspire your audience! This speech and presentation will be given in the last week of class and should be posted on blackboard prior to that. This presentation should demonstrate the skills you have learned over the term of the course and explicitly defined in the feedback sheet. There should be one purpose for the presentation and only one story line. You should cite and use at least 2 sources (can be web based, book or magazine)
It is important is that you are deeply interested in the subject matter that you select. You should be able to say after taking this course, “I created a professional speech and presentation on something that I was deeply interested in as part of this course—and I delivered it exceptionally well.”
Why:The purpose of this assignment is to provide you the opportunity to use the skills and knowledge you learn during the course. The presentation allows you to:
• Apply the skills you learned during the class in delivering a speech
• Practice using effective methods and techniques to create the presentations
• Synthesize all the principles of professional speaking into one final assignment
How: sure it has a clear beginning middle and end using everything you have learned in the class. This is your opportunity to shine showing off you professional speaking skills.
1. Select a ridiculous topic – such as “Cleaning a toilet while in your tuxedo,” “Building screen doors for submarines,” or “Eating breakfast before going to sleep.”
2. Read the example speech and review the example storyboard provided.
3. Then begin by creating a storyboard
a. Create 8 Blank Power Point slide and write a headline for each page;
b. Each headline should move the story forward towards letting the audience understand why they should hear what you have to say
4. Fill each slide with a single image that visually brings home the point you want to make for that slide. (You can add one or two additional images later if appropriate.
5. Go back to each slide and add 3 to7 bullets that summary the points you want to speak about… these are your talking points.
6. Using the embedded speech feature in Power Point, you can either present the speech to someone or simply record your speech on the presentation.
7. Post the presentation on Blackboard at the beginning of the week.
8. This should be something you are working on during the entire course. I don’t recommend you leave this until the last moment.
9. Ridiculous Speech: Select a ridiculous topic – such as “Cleaning a toilet while in your tuxedo” (2 Points – must be completed by 2/24)
Develop a list of characteristics of a poor presentation.
Develop a 3 minute written speech:
– On your ridiculous topic
– Illustrating each of the poor characteristics
– Write your speech on this discussion board
– Other students may highlight poor characteristics noticed and you should find poor characteristics in some of the other students’ speeches.
– Discuss what you find and what would make it a better speech

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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