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Respiration, Jeopardy assignment

Topic : Respiration

As a final class review, we will create a Jeopardy game. You are assigned a topic (Respiration) and tasked with creating 10 questions with answers. This is the first draft worth 25 points. Then you will revise and resubmit for another 25 points. Last, we will play in teams for the remaining 50 points (for a total of 100 points).

When thinking of questions, I would like you to think of different levels of questioning, from lower and higher level questioning (5 lower and 5 higher—see below). One question must include a diagram. Answers must follow the questions. Questions should be typed out in font 11 Calibri. This will make putting questions into the game much easier!

Table 1: Verbs of question levels
Below are examples of verbs that help to define the level of thinking being asked of students through assessment questions (i.e. those that you are creating for your Jeopardy final).
Lower level questionsHigher level questions
Fill in the blank
Explain why/how
Analyze relationships
Determine relationships
Summarize relationships


Last Updated on November 20, 2019

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