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Research and evaluate career opportunities to plan

Research and evaluate career opportunities to plan

1) Research and evaluate the various career opportunities available for graduating students; (2) Demonstrate knowledge of the proven research techniques for job searching.

Research and evaluate career opportunities to plan, organize, and prepare for an effective job search. # 3 Expand understanding and use of professional and social networking opportunities and their impact on employment search outcomes, including opportunities while in school and on internship/externship.

demonstrate the ability to use career websites to conduct job search.Complete a rough draft copy of your resume, be sure to include the following information:

Qualifications Summary


Employment History

Education & Training

Community Involvement. (Optional) (The structure will differ depending on which resume template you select (chorological or functional)

Internship/Externship (Optional)

Awards & Achievements (Optional)

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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