Regular Expression

Homework 1

  1. (1 pt)ALEX is the set of valid algebraic expressions recursively defined by:

Rule 1: All polynomials are in ALEX

Rule 2: If f(x) and g(x) are in ALEX, then so are:

  1. (f(x))
  2. -(f(x))
  • f(x) + g(x)
  1. f(x) – g(x)
  2. f(x)g(x)
  3. f(x)/g(x)
  • f(x)g(x)
  • f(g(x))

Assuming that the rules seen in class recursively defining polynomials can be used here to prove x+2 and 3x are polynomials, show that (x + 2)3x is in ALEX.


  1. (1 pt) Let x and y be two words (both different than the empty string) and xy is their concatenation. Show that if x, y and xy are all in PALINDROME, then there is a word z such that x= zn and y=zm for some integers n and m.


  1. (1 pt)Let S={ab, bb} and T={ab, bb, bbb}. Show that S*≠T* but that S*⊂T*.


  1. (1 pt)Write the regular expression for the language of all strings, over alphabet {a, b},that end in a double letter, e. ending in aa or bb but not ab or ba


  1. (1 pt)Draw Deterministic Finite Automata to accept the following sets of strings, over the alphabet {0,1},that contain exactly four 0s (not necessarily consecutive zeros)


Extra Credit: (1 pt) Write the regular expression for the language of all strings, over alphabet {0, 1}, the set of all strings in which every pair of adjacent zeros appears before any pair of adjacent ones. Justify.


Last Updated on September 18, 2019

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