Literature Review
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Use the information to identify’ the content you will need to include in the Literature Review section of your mini-research proposal.
Mini Research Proposal Template 0 Unit 3 – Brief Literature
Review Rubric
Maximize your score by reviewing the rubric instructions to ensure you have met 5 the criteria.
Identity a research topic
Identify the key words/search terms and variations you will use to systematically search the literature to find what information is available on your research topic.
Search the literature using your key words/variations and using practices learned during the Unit
Identify between 5 and 10 research-quality. scholarly sources on your topic.
Organize the literature by creating an outline, concept map. or literature map, as needed.
Write a 1-2 page well-organized literature review. integrating and synthesizing literature from the 5-10 sources found.
Add your name to the proposal template