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Psychology: research methods: informed consent and debriefing

Psychology students need the ability to create informed consent and debriefing forms that adequately state the purpose of studies to the participants in an ethical manner. In your capstone class (your last class), it is an expectation that you have a created a consent and debriefing form for your research proposal (Research Proposal: Does imprisonment positively rehabilitate inmates or cause negative physiological effects on male inmates during incarceration?). It could be beneficial if you create this assignment around the topic you would like to research.

Before you begin the assignment, view the APA website and read the ethics listings.

Research consent and debriefing forms. Locate two to four scholarly resources to support your form.

Create an informed consent form and a debriefing form that explains the nature and true purpose of the study (students may adapt the examples from the textbook, see pages 76-77). Be sure to cite your sources at the conclusion of the document.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.


Last Updated on April 28, 2023

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