Read 3 related articles and summarize them and answer a few questions.
- Find and Cite.
You will start by finding three separate articles that address a similar topic. They do not need to examine precisely the same phenomena, but the better the articles fit together the easier your integration section will be to write. Create a references section that includes an APA style reference for each of your four articles.
2) Summarize.
As with prior papers, for each of the three studies you need to address following. What was (were) the researchers’ question(s)? How did the researchers go about answering the question(s)? What did the researchers find? What do the results mean? How does this article clarify some of the findings discussed in class or in the book, and take us beyond what we already know? Make sure you include APA style in text citations.
3) Integrate.
After you have summarized the four articles, you need to integrate them. When considered together what does each of the articles suggest about your topic? In other words what conclusions make sense when considering all Four articles together? Are the results/conclusions of the studies complementary or contradictory? What do you think are some important remaining questions? Based on the three studies how might you expand on this research; speculate on some answers to the remaining questions you identified above. Use the grading guide that is provided here, as that will be the standard by which your performance will be judged.
Truly try to put the findings into your own words. It is usually obvious when people paraphrase the abstract by replacing words in the abstract with synonyms. Avoid taking this shortcut! Also, remember that good scientific writing is clear writing, not pretty writing or poetry.
This assignment will be due at by 11:55pm on the date indicated on the syllabus. You must upload an electronic copy of your paper to the drop box. All papers will be checked for plagiarism using “turn it in”
The paper (50 points):
Remember your paper must be written in double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 8½ x 11 in. paper with 1-inch margins. Papers can be a maximum of eight pages in length. There is no page minimum, but make sure to adequately address the sections of the grading guide below. Try to balance your paper, make sure you spend roughly half on summary and half on interpretation.
What was (were) the researchers’ question(s)? How did the researchers go about answering the question(s)?
What did the researchers find? What do the results mean?
How does this article clarify some of the findings discussed in class or in the book, and take us beyond what we already know?
2) Interpretation……………………………………………………………………………….____/ 20
When considered together what does each of the articles suggest about your topic?
Do the articles challenge any ideas raised in class or lecture?
Are the results/conclusions of the studies complementary or contradictory?
What do you think are some important remaining questions?
Based on the three studies, how might you expand on this research? AKA speculate on some answers to the remaining questions you identified above.
3) Overall presentation……………………………………………………………………..____/ 10
Organization/ Clarity
APA style references section AND APA style in text citations
Proper formatting/ on time
Reasonable grammar and spelling
Additional Comments Total ______/50