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Project Reflection Paper

The individual project reflection report is a summary of your contributions to the project over the semester, and a reflection on your performance and how you can improve.

The project reflection should contain the following:

  1. Overview of your project contributions.
    • General overview of areas of technical contribution.
    • List completed sprint tasks.
    • Plot of your personal velocity and average team individual velocity over the semester.
  2. Reflection in the areas of technical contribution, teamwork, and communication. Each of these 3 reflection sections should include:
    • Description of what you did well.
    • Plan for improvement for next semester.
  3. Conclusion

In the reflection sections, you should be detailed. Give specific examples of accomplishments and objectives for improvement. For example, “I will be a better team member” is insufficient. Describe the behaviors you will exhibit to improve your teamwork skills, like “I will take on and work diligently to accomplish more tasks” and “I will actively participate in the evaluation and feedback on my teammates’ work,” etc.


Last Updated on August 13, 2019

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