Power Point End of Life Care — Web Site
The directions in the Unit 9 assignment are a wee bit confusing. Here is some clarification.
Briefly summarize at least SIX (6) research articles providing this support. (3 each) Look for meta-analyses, integrative reviews of research, clinical trials, and quasi-experimental studies related to the chosen topic. Use 3 different types of studies to summarize; for example use a meta analysis, an integrative review and then 4 clinical trials. If you look at the rubric, it just says 2 (but should be 3).
Utilizing the Clinical Focus and Clinical Guideline that was approved in Unit 4, (above web site) develop a
PowerPoint® presentation addressing the clinical focus of concern, the evidence based solution
to the problem, and how the clinical might be implemented in a specific clinical setting.
• Identify the PRACTICE PROBLEM.
• Describe WHY this practice problem is of significance to nursing.
• Identify the current specific standardized guideline selected for use in this Project and
that addresses the problem.
• Provide a Working Link to the Clinical Guideline.
Describe the quality of the clinical guideline
• Identify the authors of the guideline and describe how the guideline was developed.
• Address the credentials and credibility of the developers of the guideline.
• Analyze the quality of the research base supporting the guideline, best practice, or
bundle since it was published. What new research has been published in support of the
Provide a summary of the current best evidence for use in practice
• Identify the best evidence that supports the standardized guideline, best practice, or
bundle. (The research that has been completed that provides the evidence that supports
the guideline, best practice, or bundle). Identified from references of the guideline, best
practice, or bundle chosen. • Utilize the evidence table to identify the levels of evidence each research studyrepresents. Utilize the following chart to determine the level of evidence:
Level I Evidence for a systematic review or metaanalysis of all relevant RCTs or evidencebased
clinical practice guidelines based on systematic reviews of RCTs.
Level II Evidence obtained from at least one well designed RCT
Level III Evidence obtained from one well-designed controlled trials without randomization
Level IV Evidence from well-designed case-control and cohort studies
Level V Evidence from systematic reviews of descriptive or qualitative study
Level VI Evidence from single descriptive quantitative or qualitative study
Level VII Evidence from the opinion of authorities and/or reports of expert committees
• Present the data in the Summary of Evidence Table Format as follows:
Body of Evidence Summary Table
Research Study
Brief Summary of the
Study and Results
Levels of Evidence
Identify how the guideline fits into a practice setting
• Identify a practice setting that would benefit from implementing the practice change
supported by the guideline.
• Identify possible barriers and facilitators to the change. Who would support the change?
Who would resist the change? Why? • Answer the question: Who Makes the Decision to Change Practice?
Planning for Change
• Provide a plan for how the guideline might be implemented.
• Who?
• What?
• Why?
• When?
• Identify cost factors to implement the change.
• Identify the specific patient-centered and nursing sensitive outcome(s) expected to result
from implementation of the clinical guideline
• Describe how the outcome will be measured
• Discuss who will collect outcome data, analyze it, and make changes based on the
• Identify four summary points
• Provide a full reference list
• Provide a thoughtful reflection on the experience of developing the evidence based
presentation and how it has influenced your understanding of clinical practice changes
Creating a Professional Presentation
• Create slides that are not busy with narratives. If the audience can read your slides and
know the details of your presentation, then you are providing far too much on the slides.
The presenter should never be reading the slides.
• In keeping with constructivist learning, slides should be another way to engage the
audience via charts, symbols, and clear, crisp, and professional graphics. I also
encourage you to refrain from using clip art as it does not convey a professional
• Do NOT use full sentences and minimize bulleted points: be creative!
• Full speaker’s notes with in-text citations are REQUIRED: this is the content that is
graded. The speakers’ notes should be exactly what you would say to the audience.
When your presentation is complete, upload to the Dropbox: Evidence Based