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Post Traumatic Labyrinthinitis; Major Depressive Disorder / Anxiety Disorder

Post Traumatic Labyrinthinitis; Major Depressive Disorder / Anxiety Disorder

a) number of sessions with each client stated

b) reason for the referral, relevant background information, client or

organisational history given

c) presenting problems and symptoms (mood, affect, cognition, behaviour) or

organisational issues are identified and described in sufficient detail to

support the development of a formulation and diagnosis

d) risk is assessed and any identified risks are managed

e) formulation identifies and integrates the predisposing vulnerabilities, triggers,

and maintaining and protective factors that account for the client’s presenting

problem or target behaviour

f) relevant evidence-based theories and models are discussed, including how

these inform diagnosis, formulation, treatment plan and intervention delivery


g) formal diagnosis using standard diagnostic/classification systems relevant to

the area of practice is given; organisational diagnosis is based on

psychological tools and processes; any tests must be selected, used and

interpreted appropriately and results correctly integrated

h) discussion as to whether symptoms meet all diagnostic criteria is included

using examples from client’s presentation; organisational diagnosis is

justified; differential diagnoses should be explored; if the DSM diagnostic

classification system is used, the supervisee must demonstrate his or her

ability to establish whether each of the criteria for each of the Axis I and II

disorders have been met; if the DSM is not employed, the supervisee must

indicate which system or framework is being used and justify how the

diagnosis has been derived

i) intervention plans are succinctly described and clearly linked with the

diagnosis/formulation and relevant evidence based theories; plans are

realistic given the experience of the supervisee, the complexity of the issues

and the number of sessions available for treatment

j) intervention is consistent with plan; a succinct summary of the intervention

process (not a session by session account) demonstrating intervention skills

in implementing the plan is provided

k) a reflection on the case is provided, including lessons learnt and how practice

might be modified in light of the experience. The outcome of the intervention

is evaluated.

Last Updated on February 10, 2019

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