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Performance-based budgeting

Why has true performance-based budgeting proven so difficult? What can be learned from the initiatives in performance-based budgeting that have been taken in recent years, about whether we can hope to advance this agenda and if we can, what will be requir

Project description

It is Managing Public service module.

Basic reading:

Hood C, Emmerson C and Dixon R, 2009, Public spending in hard times, London: Institute for Fiscal Studies, available at Hughes OE, 2012, Financial and performance management, Ch 12 in Hughes OE, 2012, Public management and administration: an introduction, 4th edn, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 250-272. Pollitt C, 2010, Cuts and reforms – public services as we move into a new era, Society and economy, 32 1, 17–31 Rubin IS and Kelly J, 2005, Budget and accounting reforms, in Ferlie E, Lynn LE jnr and Pollitt C, eds, 2005, The Oxford handbook of public management, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 563- 590.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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