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Organizational Initiatives

Assignment 6: Organizational Initiatives


You are a Special Assistant to the Mayor of a large city. The city has seen a huge increase in refugees from Iraq and Afghanistan. These are political refugees resulting from the U.S. involvement in those countries. This refugee population now numbers about 15,000. They receive city services and their children attend city schools.

Since the majority does not speak English and there is no one in the city who understands their culture, the city and the schools have been experiencing problems in delivering city services and education to this population. The Mayor has asked you to develop an initiative to resolve this problem.

Formatting and Assignment Details

• Top of page 1 include: Your name, the assignment, the date, and the class number. The 3-4 pages assignment should be standard single spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, and 1 inch margins.

• Since all the material used is from the readings, you do not have to cite the material. If you use material from outside the required readings, then use APA style citations.

Summarize: (From the readings including setting the stage, reasons for policies, defining the diversity, creating competent practices, and creating supportive organizational climates.

Analysis: Evaluate and analyze: evaluate and analyze the information in the readings to develop an organizational initiative to create a culturally sensitive program for a refugee population. Include the organizational components necessary to make this initiative successful.

Synthesis and Recommendations: describe the recommendations that you would make to the Top Executive on how he or she has to do to make this a successful initiative. Briefly describe an implementation plan.

Last Updated on June 30, 2021

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