organizational Communication
Write 2-3 paragraphs for each of the questions. In addition to your textbook, you should use and cite at least one other credible source and/or case study for each question.
Select two of the "principles of communication" explained in your text. For each of your chosen principles, (a) define it in your own words, (b) illustrate it with an experience from your own life, (c) cite recommendations from sources outside of your textbook and (d) explain how you can use it to improve your own communication.
Explain why patterns of communication that have worked well with traditional American organizations don’t always succeed with a culturally diverse workforce. In your answer, describe several types of cultural patterns that might clash with mainstream workplace practices in the U.S.
Describe four concrete ways that culture and/or gender differences influence how and to whom we listen. What are three specific actions listeners can take to minimize the detrimental effects of these differences?
Choose four different categories of nonverbal behavior. Describe how you could apply what you’ve learned about each category to communicate to a new employer that you are reliable, competent, and responsible. Use specific examples of what you would do within each of the four categories to demonstrate these traits.
Explain the major differences among the win-win, win-lose, lose-lose, and compromising approaches to negotiation. State the advantages and disadvantages of all three approaches. Finally, how do you know which approach to adopt when negotiating with others?
Research a company you’d like to interview with. Anticipate and identify five different kinds of questions that might be used in an interview. Explain each one in terms of its purposes and uses as well as the goals this type of question can help an interviewer attain. Be sure to include industry-specific questions for the company you’ve chosen.
Assume you are in the middle of an employment interview for an administrative assistant’s job. You’ve been a stay-at-home dad (or mom) for the past 10 years, but during the last 2 years you completed an online training program with high grades. During the interview, the interviewer states, “I see you’ve been at home for 10 years with no real organizational experience.” Write an answer in the first person that demonstrates your ability to turn this negative perception into a positive one.
Imagine you are a member of a group that exhibits very little cohesiveness and disagrees on most issues. Identify three actions you would recommend to promote greater cohesion? Explain why you would recommend these actions.
Deborah Tannen writes: “Why should meetings be so frustrating? A large source of dissatisfaction is the conviction that your time is being taken up without obvious results; another is the feeling that you are not being heard. In that sense, meetings are a pressure-cooker microcosm of the workplace: A diverse group of people, with their own ideas, comes together to get a job done.” Discuss Tannen’s comments. Suggest guidelines from your text that could help alleviate the two sources of frustration she writes about.
Select two organizational patterns for informative speeches and two organizational patterns for persuasive speeches. Identify the key elements of each pattern. Provide an example of a topic that would lend itself well to each pattern.
Choose one of the types of visual aids described in your text. For your chosen type of aid, describe its strengths and its potential weaknesses. Provide one specific example of a presentation you have seen in which this type of visual aid was effectively used, and one specific example of a presentation you have seen in which this type of visual aid was ineffectively used.
Describe at least five elements that contribute to VISUAL effectiveness in public speaking. Why is each of these elements important? Next, name at least three elements of body language that detract from visual effectiveness, and explain their visual impact.
Identify an audience and an idea you would like to propose to the audience. Demonstrate your knowledge of effective proposals by writing a brief outline showing the organizational structure of your remarks. Explain why your chosen pattern of organization would be effective for your audience.
Case 1: The EU Business School has asked the third-year students of Organizational Communication (you and your classmates) to organise a TEDx event. The speakers must include one student with an interesting and motivating story and one ex-student who has become a successful startup in their country. The event will be held in October 2023. The event is open to both members of the public and EU students. It is a free event and the purpose is to inspire both current and future EU students as well as to increase EU’s presence on social media and other platforms. (Questions 1,2 & 3 are to be answered relating to this case)
1. Write a description of what the event will look like – including details like location and timings (your visualization of the event) as well as what will be included in terms of promotion, media, catering, logistics etc. (300 -400 words)
2. For this event write an internal communications plan. There is an example of an internal communications plan on Moodle. You may use this as a guide. You will have to invent names and roles in order to complete the task. (600-700 words)
3. Create a Kanban board with relevant colour-coding. You may use any tool to generate this (Jamboard for example). You will need to save this Kanban as an image to copy onto your word document. (150 words).Copy an image of how you imagine the Kanban board to look at the beginning of September 2023.
4. Look at Case 2 below. According to Kotter, what type of strategy might you need to implement to ensure success in these circumstances. (500 words)
Case 2: You are the CEO of Marset, a designer lighting company located in Barcelona. You have a factory on the outskirts of Barcelona and a showroom in the city centre. The showroom is also the place where the admin staff work and where events are hosted. Architects commonly visit the showroom. Your biggest competitor is an Italian company called Foscarini. You would like to increase your media presence by hosting more events at the weekend, since most of your admin staff and PR staff have families, you know that this will not be a popular decision. How could you ensure that this decision is adopted successfully and embraced by all employees?